PrestaShop Open-source licence 3.0 ( Release Notes for PrestaShop 1.4 -------------------------------- #################################### # v1.4.0.2 - 3261 (2010-11-10) # #################################### Added Features: [+] Project : Add VAT support [+] Project : Add InnoDB support [+] Project : Added UPC barcodes (US/Canada) management (both on product and combinations) [+] Project : You can now override classes and front office controllers without any core modification [+] Project : DisplayAsDeprecated function [+] FO : Added file upload in contact form and customer service [+] FO : Added Shop logo and editorial image dimensions + corrected shop name bug on installer [+] FO : Added some demo stores for the Store locator [+] FO : Added the "Store locator" feature! using the latest Google Maps API (V3) [+] FO : Added verification for zip code depends on country selected. [+] FO : adding cache system for the getPageLink method [+] FO : Adding One Page Checkout feature [+] FO : ajax cart summary [+] FO : Display units price if enabled [+] FO : you can now specify an alternative domain or subdomain for your static content [+] FO : Products comparison [+] FO / BO : Adding CCC (Combine Compile and Cache) and other frontend performance features, these feature was started with Olivier Bonningues from Oleacorner, Guillaume David and Mickael Surren from Croissance-Net. This was a frontend development training day with Lucas CHERIFI [+] FO / BO : new options availables on AdminProduct, you can now show or not the price of product and define if this product is available for order [+] BO : Added activation to CMS pages [+] BO : Added an activation to manufacturers and suppliers [+] BO : Added an "Online only" flag (for products not sold in store) [+] BO : Added an option in Preferences -> Products to undisplay the button "add to cart" when the product got attributes so customers must go see the product detail. [+] BO : Added an option in preferences to choose the "Condition of use" CMS page [+] BO : Added a WorkFlow to CMS pages [+] BO : Added cache-control directive to the htaccess generator and some apache module checks [+] BO : Added category in cms tab, position for cms pages [+] BO : Added enable row to taxes [+] BO : Added fields 'Need zip code' and 'Zip code format' [+] BO : Added possibility to delete a product from his detail page (for a search in catalog) [+] BO : added shipping external for modules [+] BO : Added the condition of a product (new, used, refurbished) [+] BO : Added the theme installer module [+] BO : Added translation for CMS Tab [+] BO : Added units price (weight, volume, unity) to configure on products pages [+] BO : Added utility to implant a different logo for shop, mail and PDF. [+] BO : Additional shipping cost by product [+] BO : Add Memcached and FileSystem cache [+] BO : Add stock movement management [+] BO : AdminModulesPositions : new checkboxes in order to unhook many modules in one click. [+] BO : An easy way to define fees by carriers for each zone [+] BO : Automatic translations possible with Google Translate [+] BO : Carrier behavior (by price/by weight) is now defined by Carrier [+] BO : Carrier behavior (by range or by price) is now specific to each Carrier [+] BO : Change category position in catalog [+] BO : class added (ModuleCarrier) for shipping external [+] BO : Disabled product can be previewed in front office [+] BO : external shipping and range [+] BO : Fix update script to change category name without number position [+] BO : international call prefixes are now included in prestashop's countries [+] BO : It's now possible to edit and translate your mail templates from BackOffice [+] BO : Localisation, you can now choose between miles and kilometers [+] BO : Meta-tags => SEO [+] BO : New back end themes (but you don't know about it) [+] BO : new buttons 'next' and 'previous' on order detail [+] BO : new Customer Service included in the back office (an alternative to e-mails) [+] BO : New module pages ! [+] BO : new tab in Tools, this page give you many informations about your server configuration [+] BO : now you can define a minimal quantity on product for command [+] BO : payment modules can now log payment data in a common table [+] BO : Predefined message when responding in customer service in now configurable (and bug with special characters in mail subject is fixed) [+] BO : Upload your own store icon (for Google Maps, store locator) [+] BO : you can now add a private note on the customer page [+] BO : You can now add a voucher for a customer's group [+] BO : You can now add others required fields in objects [+] BO : you can now choose the background color of your back office [+] BO : you can now cipher/decipher with Rijndael using mcrypt instead of blowfish (amazingly faster) [+] BO : you can now export your invoices filtered by statuses [+] Classes : Localization pack support added [+] Classes: Smarty cache support added [+] Classes : Specific price support added to the PrestaShop 1.4 serie [+] MO : add a new module, date of delivery [+] MO : Added a category restriction on the loyalty voucher's use on loyalty module [+] MO : Added a pagination to loyalty module [+] MO : adding a new partner module iAdvize [+] MO : adding a new partner module: MondialRelay [+] MO : adding a new partner module: Secuvad [+] MO : Added possibility to display tax on a distinct line in the cart block [+] MO : productcomments : A new hook on the product comparison page [+] MO : added module envoimoinscher [+] MO : new module socolissimo [+] MO : Paysafecard + Cashticket [+] MO : TrustedShops [+] MO : Treepodia [+] MO : TrustedShops : Check permissions on the /cache directory [+] MO : modules css stylesheets and javascripts scripts are now overridable and overriden in the theme [+] MO : new module Fia-Net SAC (France only) [+] MO : new module Fia-Net Sceau de confiance (France only) [+] MO : new module "stock stats" [+] MO : new payment module "Ogone" (some translations are still missing and it needs a few more tests) [+] MO : you can now empty 404 pages [+] SQL : Added row active to ps_currencies and added many currencies when installation [+] SQL : Added zip/post Code for each countries and all linked to it [+] IN : States of Mexico [+] WS : Adding a RESTFul webservice for PrestaShop Improved/changed features : [*] Project : cookie is no more encrypted every time but in the destructor, at the end. You can still force setcookie by using Cookie::write() [*] Project : Added {$img_store_dir} and _THEME_STORE_DIR_ and _PS_STORE_IMG_DIR_ [*] Project : Cleaned some debug code in FrontController.php [*] Project : Front controllers are now classes [*] FO : add an instant search feature for the block search on top, realized with Arnaud Iliadis from Web67 while PrestaShop training [*] FO : Added a cookie to remember the "number of item per page" for a client [*] FO : added css for sitemap [*] FO : Added one hook in order-detail.php and one hook processCarrier in order.php. [*] FO : added product ID to the contact form [*] FO : added SQL caches to attachments and packs in order to reduce the number of queries speed up the front office [*] FO : add new Javascript method for One Page Checkout [*] FO : Add the "completely rewritten url" feature [*] FO : Ajax cart summary input update qty [*] FO : changed filter in adminModules [*] FO : Confirmation mail sent before password regeneration [*] FO : Corrected some sentences and listing all orders on the contact form [*] FO : Creation of a SQL cache for the default attribute of a product, avoiding 1 to 3 queries for each product displayed on the FO [*] FO : Customization field is now a textarea and handle \n [*] FO : encrypt cookie only if a change has been made [*] FO : get the quantity of the default attribute only if the product has attributes... [*] FO : Improve performances for url rewriting links load [*] FO : I really like optimizations :] (no less than 60 queries avoided on the cart summary, among other things) [*] FO : New version of socolissimo 1.4 [*] FO : Optimizations, optimizations and optimizations (mainly SQL queries dropped) [*] FO : query for random specials optimized (RAND() is awful) [*] FO : The cart summary now display available vouchers [*] FO : Undisplay the button when set in BO. [*] FO / BO : improved feature minimal quantity for buy a product [*] BO : Added a button to make an attribute combination the default one easier [*] BO : Added "all" blocks in permission page. [*] BO : Added enable state for currencies [*] BO : added multiple translation [*] BO : added timer to back office tabs [*] BO : added total sales -tx in statsproduct module [*] BO : adding new tinyMC 3.3.9 [*] BO : changed filter module [*] BO : check if cms folder img exists [*] BO : Customer page improved [*] BO : Delete of message as well as threads in customer service [*] BO : Developers can now specify if a field is required or not in Option fields [*] BO : Display hook technical name in module positions tab [*] BO : Display hook technical name in module positions tab [*] BO : Features fields are now textareas to write more details on products [*] BO : Fixed a bug with the tab navigation when UI mode is on hover [*] BO : fixed bug in tinyMCE [*] BO : .htaccess generation on Lang & Meta CRUD [*] BO : Icons in navigation path bar [*] BO : img/admin/delete.gif now different from disabled.gif [*] BO : Improved unity price system : Unity editable by product [*] BO : Improve Flashyturtle back office theme and back office login page. [*] BO : move media server parameters in AdminPerformance tabs [*] BO : New design for top of the first tab in the product page [*] BO : new footer [*] BO : New reduction support added to the import [*] BO : new skin for errors, warnings and confirmations [*] BO : now you can edit smarty config into AdminPerformance tab [*] BO : Numeric ISO code now available for currencies [*] BO : Optimised the category recurse tab + no limitation to 5 subcategories anymore + ajax_call on AdminProduct page to optimize it at the loading. [*] BO : optimization (30% less queries on every entity listing, then 50% less queries on the module page and again a few less on the order detail and customer pages) [*] BO : order details display improvements [*] BO : Print pdf by statuses (explaination + fixed width) [*] BO : remove old tinyMCE [*] BO : Sending a confirmation mail to the customer when he sends a message to the customer service [*] BO : Thread message merge algorithm has been improved on customer service [*] BO : Tracking displays out of stock attributes [*] BO : Transformed the last element of the path_bar in BO to a link (blue) [*] BO : weights equal to zero are not taken into account anymore in the search indexation [*] BO : Width switched from 960px to 1050px (only 15% of PS users are still using 1024x768) [*] BO : You can now add your specifical configuration for your hosting on AdminGenerator [*] BO : You can now disable the "hover on tabs" feature [*] BO : You can now edit or delete a product from AdminManufacturer page [*] BO : you can now export invoices filtered by several status IDs [*] BO : you can now translate everything in the languages which are disabled [*] Classes : added CarrierModule.php [*] Classes : added hook Paymant CC added [*] Classes : Distance unit support added to localization pack [*] Classes : remove ModuleCarrier.php [*] Classes : Configuration::get Optimization [*] MO : add category on many modules [*] MO : Added possibility to delete the logo frontpage image in editorial module [*] MO : blockcategories module cached [*] MO : Blockinfos and Blockvariouslinks replaced by Blockcms module [*] MO : Display of Promotions / New Products / Best Sellers can be disabled when there are nothing [*] MO : change category [*] MO : added socolissimo translations [*] MO : Cleaned the wishlist module and added mail send when creating a wishlist [*] MO : update Socolissimo for expeditor inet [*] MO : Editorial module don't stock in an xml file anymore, in case of updating : the xml file will be imported in database and delete [*] MO : mailalerts are now deleted from the DB when products linked to this mailalert are removed [*] MO : New blockCms module. (new blockinfos) who work with new recents modifications of CMS pages. [*] MO : new options for stats datamining [*] MO : new PayPal and Moneybookers modules added [*] MO : New reduction & quantity discount support added to the treepodia module [*] MO: Some improvements on Product Comments (Allow guests to post, create criterion for all catalog/categories...) [*] MO : You can now display the price on the crossselling and the productscategory module's block (Feature 26 mantis resolved) [*] IN : mcrypt is automatically chosen if available [*] SQL : Added two hooks in database. [*] SQL : Added VAT (taxes) values for many countries [*] SQL : Updated zones (Us becomes North america, central america and South america, etc...) [*] SQL : When installing, only default country's tax is enable else disabled. [*] WS : add i18n support for webservice Fixed bugs : [-] Installer : Bug fixed #5325 - SQL error [-] Installer : fixed sql create table [-] Installer : Installation fixed (condition field was missing) [-] Installer : ps_ changed to PREFIX_ [-] Installer : Fixed a crash issue during install process (additional_shipping_cost had no default value) [-] FO : "add to cart" is now protected against bots [-] FO : ajax "add to cart" now uses a POST request instead of GET [-] FO : Best error gestion for suppliers (HTML broken before) [-] FO : bug #5638 is fixed : Incorrect css file name [-] FO : bug #5871 is fixed - this-> missing [-] FO : Bug fixed #5208 - HTTPS CGV [-] FO : Bug fixed #5468 - Phone number in new order email [-] FO : bug fixed on One page checkout [-] FO : bug is fixed on Vat number field [-] FO : css typos (thank you Melinda) [-] FO : Debug on the displaying "Add to cart" button on search page. [-] FO : Discounted product retrieval fixed [-] FO : fixed ajax cart summary when block cart not ajax [-] FO : fixed ajax cart summary when block cart not ajax for order opc [-] FO : Fixed and rewritten changecurrency.php (blank page previously), lighter and faster [-] FO : fixed bug for category page. The images get now their size even if the image is missing. [-] FO : Fixed bug for page addresses when one of the address goes right instead of clearing left [-] FO : fixed bug on sitemap [-] FO : fixed css position for cart summary [-] FO : Fixed SQL error on sitemap.php [-] FO : Global iso added for urlrewriting [-] FO : Missing parameters, new products not displayed [-] FO : onkeydown -> onkeyup in authentification.tpl Bug #5378 fixed [-] FO : Phone number advertisement more visible [-] FO : Product price display fixed (when changing the combination and specific price applied) [-] FO : Product price fixed (retro-compatibility issue) [-] FO : Product price fixed (rounding issue) when quantity discount applied [-] FO : SQL query fixed on prices-drop.php [-] FO : Updated an error message. [-] FO : Url rewriting - Added flags [QSA, L] in controllers rules [-] FO : fixed bug for ajax cart summary [-] FO : Deleted useless css files (blockinfos and blockvariouslinks modules) Bug #5823 fixed [-] BO : active filter is now usable without SQL error. Bug #5666 fixed [-] BO : Added a complementary security on ajax_category_list call [-] BO : added RewriteRule for cms catégories [-] BO : AdminDB now list only PrestaShop prefixed tables #5873 [-] BO : AdminTab traductions restored [-] BO : ajax call for categories on product page. [-] BO : Better anchor management in module tab [-] BO : Bug #4870 problem to reorder product Fixed [-] BO : Bug #5965 fixed : When passing an argument id_cart to getPriceStatic , new cart replace global cart. [-] BO : Bug fix #5199 - Country creation: Wrong parameter count [-] BO : bug fixed #5346 - Not accounting for alternate theme [-] BO : Bug fixed #5454 - Bad EN translations on product page [-] BO : Bug fixed #5798 - Stock movement default [-] BO : bug fixed #5819 - translation fix for AdminCustomerThreads.php [-] BO : bug fixed #5840 - Minor issues in new login page [-] BO : Bug fixed #5844 - page not found [-] BO : bug fixed #5860 - delete attribute, confirm message say attribute number! [-] BO : Bug fixed #5868 - Import tools - Default language not selected [-] BO : bug is fixed on Carrier edition, no zones are selected on form on edition [-] BO : Category debug. Add a category is possible now (before no) [-] BO : Customized product price fixed on order detail [-] BO : Debugued product and Cms staging caused by controllers. [-] BO : default spanish image updated [-] BO : default spanish pictures [-] BO : Delete translations directories when deleting a language [-] BO : Filters stay after an action like unactive or delete for tabs generated by AdminTab [-] BO : fix bug on import / export for languages pack [-] BO : fixed a JS error on adminProduct page [-] BO : Fixed bug #4370 [-] BO : fixed bug #5115 - getE("PS_CONDITIONS_on") is null [-] BO : Fixed bug #5217 - Live feed non https [-] BO : fixed bug #5255 - can’t enable/disable zone [-] BO : fixed bug #5862 limited countries checkbox [-] BO : fixed bug in adminModules [-] BO : Fixed bug sql for CMS [-] BO : fixed display warning [-] BO : fixed sql install [-] BO : fixed upload picture tinymce [-] BO : Group reduction fixed (table creation was missing) [-] BO : hover on tabs configuration fixed [-] BO : i18n staging [-] BO : improve specific price feature [-] BO : Integration bugs #5411 and #5482 fixed [-] BO : move ajaxfilemanager for tinymce [-] BO : No more Js errors on AdminProduct page for combinations [-] BO : No multipart encoding needed for AdminZones [-] BO : Product final price display fixed on the product page, when using specific prices [-] BO : Product page default action when the user hit enter is "Save" [-] BO : Refresh position after deletion [-] BO : remove ajaxfilemanager for tinymce [-] BO : removed a useless CSS file (moved to ModuleGrid in fact) [-] BO : Specific price addition fixed when setting a reduction without using the price overload field [-] BO : Fixed SQL error when filtering by profiles on AdminEmployees page [-] BO : The impact on unit price isn't show when no unity is set + trad updated [-] BO : Thread navigation when clicking on "Answer to the next new message" fixed [-] BO : unit_price's bugs fixed (attribute update, reduction of a negative number) + compatibility with Specific price class [-] BO : Validating the CMS form with "enter button" work again [-] BO : When deleting a customer, vouchers assigned to him are deleted [-] BO : When no URL for a carrier but a tracking number, the tracking number appear but not the link. [-] BO : you haven't to scroll down in the module list anymore when you install/uninstall a module [-] Classes : bug #58721 is fixed - Fatal error on PDF invoice [-] Classes : fixed bug on method getNbProducts() method on Cart.php file [-] Classes : New reduction support fixed concerning voucher application [-] Classes : Fixed isEmail() method in Validate.php, there was an error when the field was empty (even if not required) [-] MO : Blockcategories installation repaired [-] MO : Blocklink installation repaired [-] MO : bug is fixed #5788 - “voir” on cross selling graphic [-] MO : CSS for Blockcms module added. [-] MO : Debugued the crossselling module to uninstall correctly [-] MO : fixed bug in Socolissimo [-] MO : productcomments: Query is empty [-] MO : fixed bug hooknewOrder [-] MO : fixed bug in validation.php [-] MO : fixed bug while uninstall module [-] MO : fixed bug while uninstall module [-] MO : new version socolissimo and added translation for EMC [-] MO : update configuration [-] MO : trustedshops : If the form is submitted and the SOAP extension not activated, it display an error message [-] MO : Trustedshops : Wrong email in rating link [-] MO : EditorialClass include is absolute. [-] MO : fixed a bug on Secuvad module [-] MO : fixed Gsitemap module bug caused by CMS update Bug #5787 fixed [-] MO : Fixed little CSS bug in blockwishlist module [-] MO : Fixed SQL error when reloading the page after deleting a block [-] MO : No blocks cms are set when installing the blockcms module normally [-] MO : Ogone SHA-IN calculation updated [-] MO : optimizing modules for ccc feature [-] MO : Paypal installation debuggued (when reseting Paypal SQL error banning the access to AdminModules) [-] MO : small bug is fixed on Dateofdelivery module [-] MO : statsdata installation repaired [-] MO : Updated Gsitemap Module for cms' updates [-] SQL : Added PS_CONDITIONS_CMS_ID in the installation utility for uptate [-] SQL : Blockcms's and editorial's tables are not set anymore when installing Prestashop lite [-] SQL : database modification for carrier modules [-] SQL : fixed missing request for upgrade [-] SQL : Removed useless table zone.`enabled` [-] SQL : sql prefix are fixed [-] SQL : Upgrade updated : `unity_price` : `unit_price` [-] SQL : Fixed SQL on #5942 #5888 #5792 #################################### # v1.4.0.1 - 2403 (2010-06-22) # #################################### Added Features: [+] SQL : add the replication SQL Release Notes for PrestaShop 1.3 -------------------------------- #################################### # v1.3.2.3 - 2887 (2010-10-01) # #################################### Improved/changed features : [*] BO : add a label in module Module > Positions for checkbox [*] BO : Pack Product list (related to bug #4804) [*] BO : set new define on Back office "_PS_ADMIN_DIR_" with retro-compatibility [*] BO : The last admin profile and current profile can't be disabled or deleted [*] BO : You can now define the admin profile [*] Classes : new parameter for method getProfile() on Profile's class [*] MO : Added SSL support for Moneybookers module [*] MO : cleaned canonicalurl module [*] MO : fixed bug #5242 - now you can define a cms page for link on blockpaymentlogo module [*] MO : Updated Moneybookers module (lot of improvements and some bug fixes !) [*] TR : several spannish translations are added [*] IN : Brazil/Brasil states integrated into the default installation [*] IN : States of Mexico Fixed bugs : [-] Project : fixed bug #4734 - Double semicolons - 14 more instances [-] FO : Bad Url in add notification link (related to bug #4824) [-] FO : Bug #5160 fixed : previous page don't return to default carrier anymore [-] FO : Bug #5222 Fixed : pb iso-lang if change nb product by page, can’t change language [-] FO : Bug fixed #3806 - Color picker with custom image [-] FO : Bug fixed #4494 - Incorrect reduction price on combination when changing currency [-] FO : Bug Fixed #4555 - Supplier page order by manufacturer [-] FO : Bug fixed #4636 : States sort order [-] FO : Bug fixed #4861 - save personalized field reset color combination [-] FO : Bug fixed #4874 - Special characters in the contact form [-] FO : Bug fixed #5014 - Stylesheet enhancement [-] FO : Bug fixed #5014 - Stylesheet enhancement [-] FO : Bug fixed #5014 - Stylesheet enhancement [-] FO : Bug fixed #5079 - Personalized field name translations [-] FO : Bug fixed #5080 - RMA status is not refreshed [-] FO : Bug fixed #5177 - Default category in breadcrumb [-] FO : Bug fixed #5273 - Bookmark = home page [-] FO : Bug fixed #5284 - Bookmark https & name [-] FO : Bug fixed #5286 - added delay between 2 customer comments [-] FO : Bug fixed #5300 - Warning-inline [-] FO : Bug fixed #5320 - Escape missing on short product description [-] FO : Bug fixed #5367 - Tax disable are displayed in order history [-] FO : Bug fixed #5425 - Extra carrier not displayed [-] FO : bug fix on product page with quantity discount in percent [-] FO : bug is fixed in order-confirmation for payment module send secure key by POST method [-] FO : fixed bug #4640 - LC_TIME not set to user front office language [-] FO : fixed bug #4646 - important bug when disable states [-] FO : fixed bug #4680 - image categorie not center [-] FO : fixed bug #4707 - Quantities Discount tab not ‘selected’ (light grey) [-] FO : fixed bug #4727 - Cart Product out of stock not changed GREEN DOT to RED DOT [-] FO : fixed bug #4735 - image 404 size in cart [-] FO : fixed bug #4791 - Bug in cart when using customized fields [-] FO : fixed bug #4801 - getByemail should be getByEmail in authentication.php [-] FO : Fixed Bug #4928 - Attributes + OOS + Display unavailable product attributes [-] FO : fixed bug #4967 - detail order in FO not refresh [-] FO : fixed bug #5015 - wrong font-family on global.css [-] FO : fixed bug #5023 - Class first_item and last item in manufacturer-list.tpl and supplier-list.tpl [-] FO : fixed bug #5039 - Incorrect message while search without input [-] FO : fixed bug #5057 - discount + tax excluded = old price incorrect [-] FO : fixed bug #5071 - Incorrect scene prices for non-taxed price groups [-] FO : fixed bug #5108 - apostrophes and quotes part of invalid title characters [-] FO : fixed bug #5110 - No redirect after account creation [-] FO : fixed bug #5130 - Required * are on left side in identity.tpl [-] FO : fixed bug #5156 - Inconsitent use of possessive pronouns “my” and “your” [-] FO : fixed bug #5208 - Read CGV with Https [-] FO : fixed bug #5276 - create account,pb copy last,first name [-] FO : Fixed Bug #5488 - Full HTTPS = Errors [-] FO : Fixed Bug #5489 - Search page is https [-] FO : fixed bug page authentication for first name and last name [-] FO : fixed bug with Hack Attempt message on account edition [-] FO : fixed size of images [-] FO : fixed size of images [-] FO : Ghost 404 pages fixed (I hope) [-] FO : maximum value for the weight in the product search indexation increased [-] FO : No pack pictures [-] FO : Payment modules become independant from blockcurrencies. [-] FO : Prevent from recursive deletion when id_category is not set [-] FO : remove including blockcurrencies.js. [-] FO : set retro compatibility for 1.2 theme [-] FO : SSL port value in Tools::securerReferrer [-] BO : #5357 / #5360 / #5331 Incorrect group management on customer creation - Disable/Delete category return to home [-] BO : added QSA to every rewrite rule of the htaccess [-] BO : Admin profile is now defined in [-] BO : Bug #4370 Fixed, specified filename instead of name in AdminAttachments [-] BO : Bug #4870 problem to reorder product Fixed [-] BO : bug #5202 is fixed - can’t manual resize thumbnails [-] BO : Bug fixed #2943 - Admin Catalog Pagination [-] BO : Bug fixed #4422 - "Test your email configuration" is now using the PS_SHOP_EMAIL [-] BO : Bug Fixed #4601 - Import Products: no truncate table “ps_feature_product” [-] BO : Bug Fixed #4666 - Problem to reorder product [-] BO : Bug Fixed #4676 - Administrators can edit his privilegs [-] BO : Bug fixed #4777 - Import tools: Subcategories with same name, different ID [-] BO : Bug Fixed #4790 - duplicate content (lang-xx/) [-] BO : Bug fixed #4839 - Sitemap location (Full url) [-] BO : Bug fixed #4850 - HTTPS to HTTP :443 appended to domain [-] BO : Bug Fixed #4859 + Fix on HIPAY_CATEGORY_TEST + new screenshots [-] BO : Bug fixed #4878 - Shipping fee are now refreshed when a product is canceled [-] BO : Bug Fixed #4879 - Underscore and other specials chars should not be allowed in tags when importing [-] BO : Bug Fixed #4880 - ProductSales not updated correctly [-] BO : Bug Fixed #4883 - “Order statues” instead of “Order statuses” [-] BO : Bug Fixed #4891 - Hack attempt when a state in use is deleted [-] BO : Bug fixed #4952 - 'Notify me' is displayed when attribute doesn't exist [-] BO : Bug fixed #5017 - Missing space in private message title [-] BO : Bug fixed #5046 - issue on bulk deletion [-] BO : Bug fixed #5074 - Sort by price [-] BO : Bug fixed #5100 - Catalog Selection (on Product & Scene tabs) does not keep value on POST error [-] BO : Bug fixed #5188 - delete product return to HOME [-] BO : Bug Fixed #5283 - Address Country Filtering [-] BO : Bug fixed #5308 - Not able to add Carrier Tracking URL [-] BO : Bug fixed #5329 - DB error when changing image position [-] BO - Bug Fixed #5350 - Link rewrite during import ' => - [-] BO - Bug fixed #5384 - Error and Confirmation boxes width are different [-] BO : Bug fixed #5396 - Filter box for carrier too small - range price, and range weight [-] BO : bug fixed #5399 - Hash Symbol (#) not accepted in Contact Details [-] BO : Bug fixed #5452 - ES language for status [-] BO : Bug fixed #5455 - Back Office search placeholder no longer works [-] BO : Bug fixed #5493 - ‘Save and Stay’ button missing from images page in BO [-] BO : Bug fixed : Can cancel/return/refund more products than available (Related to #5214) [-] BO : bug fixed on mail send for new password query [-] BO : Bug fixed : Some pictures were not deleted before the import [-] BO : category form description area enlarged [-] BO : Default admin profile is now created during installation [-] BO : Fixed bug #4543, Typo error [-] BO : fixed bug #4639 - Languge id hardcoded in administration/init.php [-] BO : fixed bug #4682 - personalized field name replaced by text1,2… [-] BO : fixed bug #4705 - SQL Syntax error at Shipping Carriers Update when no DB Prefix [-] BO : fixed bug #4718 - popup each time you change the default category in admin [-] BO : fixed bug #4741 - deleting attributes and back to category link [-] BO : fixed bug #4742 - product attribute generator [-] BO : fixed bug #4744 - “.COM” suffix incorrected added to test email on BO [-] BO : fixed bug #4762 - BO doctype still lang= hardcoded [-] BO : Fixed bug #4809 - Final product price (with discount) [-] BO : fixed bug #4815 - Voucher with amount doesn’t work [-] BO : fixed bug #4818 - Product reductions in import don’t include time [-] BO : fixed bug #4818 - you must select at least one group when you edit a category [-] BO : fixed bug #4839 - AdminGenerator : robots.txt and sitemap.xml [-] BO : fixed bug #4916 - Bad syntax on AdminProducts [-] BO : fixed bug #4926 - change status for order paiement method not send values [-] BO : fixed bug #4953 - Temporary import files / images in /img/tmp are not deleted [-] BO : fixed bug #4964 - Watermark is not applied during CSV import of images [-] BO : Fixed bug #4968 - Date check in order return [-] BO : fixed bug #4969 [-] BO : fixed bug #5025 - illogical situation [-] BO : fixed bug #5055 - can’t Display available quantities on product page [-] BO : fixed bug #5085 - PHP Notice - undefined index - on saving stats settings [-] BO : fixed bug #5105 - Icones in BO tabs [-] BO : fixed bug #5126 - Total not including tax in stats module is incorrect (not including discounts) [-] BO : fixed bug #5157 - Cannot configure disabled modules on the Payment tab [-] BO : fixed bug #5159 - Invalid json syntax in /admin/ajax.php [-] BO : fixed bug #5193 - tinyMCE including non-existent files [-] BO : Fixed bug #5228 translation : [statues => statuses] [-] BO : fixed bug #5239 - fix a little bug in Admintranslation [-] BO : fixed bug #5243 - pb with field friendly-url and IE8 [-] BO : fixed bug #5258 - tax disabled but display ht and ttc in bo edit catalog [-] BO : Fixed bug #5263 - php warning and product title not displayed! [-] BO : fixed bug #5282 - please restore previous AdminZones.php [-] BO : Fixed bug #5342 - Reduction problems if reduction_from is not equal with reduction_to [-] BO : Fixed Bug #5358 - Edit product > Image > Save/Save & Stay [-] BO : Fixed bug #5385 - Tax name not used [-] BO : Fixed bug in module Pagesnotfound... not really a bug but an integration fault... [-] BO : fixed bug when you create a new virtual bug for the selection of "When out of stock" behaviour [-] BO : Fixed bug with discount dates [-] BO : fixed generation of image when you add a new supplier [-] BO : fixed little JS bug [-] BO : fixed PHP error in AdminProduct [-] BO : fixed round problems with product uses reduction [-] BO : missing "awaiting paypal payment" missing icon added [-] BO : now we can't edit the configuration of a module that not installed [-] BO : Profile permissions handling specific 1.3.2 [-] BO : search code cleaned [-] BO : slow query fixed on the customer page [-] BO : Sort by final price (product) is disabled (related to #5074) [-] BO : Spanish default pictures [-] BO : States are now ordered by name in AdminAddress [-] BO : test mail encryption [-] BO : When you disabled stock management, you can't change the value of this option: "Display available quantities on product page" [-] BO : Bug #5530 fixed, css problem [-] BO : Bug #5522 fixed [-] Classes : bug #5227 is fixed - Tax excluded value on PDF invoice with voucher [-] Classes : fixed bug #4617 - Multi-Lingual URL rewrite [-] Classes : fixed bug #4631 - price caching system doesn’t take account of customer_id [-] Classes : fixed bug #4684 - Do not convert PREFIXes in PDF Class [-] Classes : fixed bug #4701 - PamentModule: product_weight not calculated correctly [-] Classes : fixed bug #4731 - copy product: customized field is reorder in reverse [-] Classes : fixed bug #4757 - Cart Last Update Time [-] Classes : fixed bug #4760 - Attributes - total quantity not updating [-] Classes : fixed bug #4769 - Attributes - total ‘quantity’ not updating in products table [-] Classes : fixed bug #4949 - No error message when voucher is not applicable [-] Classes : fixed bug #5009 - page 404.php in sitemap.xml [-] Classes : fixed bug #5011 - Meta description and title disappear when more than one maintenance IP [-] Classes : fixed bug #5031 - PHP notice undefined outOfStock [-] Classes : fixed bug #5047 - issue in method ObjectModel::toggleStatus [-] Classes : fixed bug #5151 - fixed bug on price calculation [-] Classes : fixed bug #5166 - Quantity discount currency problem [-] Classes : fixed bug #5247 - Applied voucher(s) not visible in BO cart-detail if discount qty = 0 [-] Classes : fixed bug on discount and discount of product [-] Classes : fixed bug when you create an order with a product out of stock [-] Classes : fixed bug with PayPal module and Quantity discount [-] Classes : fixed bug with REMOTE_ADDR value when server use a proxy system with new method on Tools class (#5087) [-] Classes : fixed round problems with product uses reduction (we add retro-compatibility but please make update or make a fresh install) [-] Classes : fixed use of cookie on validateOrder() method [-] Classes : several bugs are fixed on RMA with products having reduction and quantity discount [-] Classes: Fixed bug #5576, Search wasn't dealing properly with ' chr [-] MO : Bug #5236 fixed : crossselling module en language file spurious php closing tag [-] MO : Bug fixed #4653 - fixed SQL Query on CrossSelling module [-] MO : ganalytics : addslashes added [-] MO : ganalytics : Fixed bug #4872 - Google Analytics obsolete code [-] MO : advertising : Pictures not displayed on https pages [-] MO : Blockadvertising + Statsdata no more use of $protocol.$server_host [-] MO : Bug fixed #5272 (productscategory) - In same category is no longer displayed if the category is disabled [-] MO : Bug fixed #5309 - ReferralProgram -> discount value not displayed in email preview [-] MO : Feeder : Bug Fixed #5001 - RSS default category [-] MO : feeder : Bug fixed relative to product order display preferences [-] MO : Gcheckout, extra " removed [-] MO : gcheckout : Fixed bug #4866 - HTTPS [-] MO : gsitemap - controller white list [-] MO : gsitemap - controller white list (related #5430, #5270) [-] MO : gsitemap - Fixed Bug #5429, #5430 .php.php at the end of pages URL + problem with default language [-] MO : Mailalerts - Fixed "Out of stock" mail alert [-] MO : Sitemap - indexed pages displayed not correct! [-] MO : fixed bug #3552 (comment) - Total amount doesn’t change on currency change [-] MO : fixed bug #4629 - Blockwishlist “product not found” error [-] MO : fixed bug #4649 - fixed bug on redirection in PayPal module [-] MO : fixed bug #4660 - MoneyBooker HTML tag error [-] MO : fixed bug #4674 - RSS products feed v0.2 not work [-] MO : fixed bug #4687 - “mailalerts” module doesn’t work in front office [-] MO : fixed bug #4696 - Best Products Stats module [-] MO : fixed bug #4732 - Undefined index: sekeywords module [-] MO : fixed bug #4733 - fixed error PHP on module graphgooglechart [-] MO : fixed bug #4771 - MoneyBooker HTML tag error [-] MO : fixed bug #4776 - MailAlerts - email input box not clearing onClick [-] MO : fixed bug #4778 - Cannot overwrite javascript on Module Block Wishlist [-] MO : fixed bug #4782 - now PayPal module manage the Pending status [-] MO : fixed bug #4834 - Error in redirect to My Wishlist page after login [-] MO : fixed bug #4906 - Add to cart button in viewed.tpl is disabled when quantity > 0 [-] MO : fixed bug #4910 - Moneybookers 1.0 brakes SSL connection [-] MO : fixed bug #4913 - Paypalapi - ‘UK’ should be ‘GB’ [-] MO : fixed bug #5005 - Canonical URL is http:// when SSL is enabled [-] MO : fixed bug #5006 - Mailalerts problem [-] MO : fixed bug #5044 - Display in Newsletter Module [-] MO : fixed bug #5070 - Little issue in StatsBestCategory totals computation [-] MO : fixed bug #5076 - Stats - Best Customers - too many decimal places on price column [-] MO : fixed bug #5090 - mailalerts module receive wrong $params when removing a product from order [-] MO : fixed bug #5114 - Empty dd tags detected with html tidy in blockbestsellers.tpl [-] MO : fixed bug #5131 - Moneybookers iframe isn’t https [-] MO : fixed bug #5190 - Paypal SSL issue - non secure links in redirect.tpl [-] MO : fixed bug #5205 - fixed width of columns in module statsbestcategories [-] MO : fixed bug #5261 - Forgot icon for module paymentlogo [-] MO : hipay does not display deleted currencies anymore [-] MO : stats grid modules automatically hooked on the admin header [-] MO : Updated Moneybookers module (several small bug fixes) [-] MO : Bug #5519 fixed : css problem in productsCategory module [-] PDF : fixed bug #4667 - tax disable but displayed on slips [-] PDF / FO : Price fixed (round issue when price display mode set on "tax included") [-] SQL : fix duplicate key on installation [-] SQL : fixed bug #4691 - Mysql (table without prefix) error update 1.2.4 to 1.3 [-] SQL : fixed bug #4958 - Bug in db_settings_lite.sql (Spanish) [-] SQL : fixed bug #5269 - fix missing change in db.sql [-] SQL : fixed missing columns (reduction_percent & reduction_amount) [-] SQL : removed zone.`enabled` table because useless (Bug #5241 Fixed) [-] SQL : set default value for need_identification_number field [-] TR : added missing translations [-] TR : spanish [-] TR : spanish [-] TR : fixed bug #5060 - FR mistranslation in BO setting product [-] TR : fixed bug #5092 - Typos in /modules/bankwire/payment_return.tpl [-] TR : fixed bug #5132 - Back Office >> Tools >> Subdomains misspelt “Additionnal” [-] TR : fixed translation key [-] TR : transaltion is fixed on AdminCatalog [-] CSS : fixed bug #4991 - svn2418 on sale icon causes other lines to go askew [-] JS : fixed bug #4730 - Line 291 of modules/blockcart/ajax-cart.js has double semicolon #################################### # v1.3.1.1 - 2349 (2010-03-06) # #################################### Security fix: [-] Security : XSS vulnerability on the virtual product deletion #################################### # v1.3.0.10 - 2314 (2010-20-05) # #################################### Improved/changed features : [*] FO : added clearfix and fixed cross-browser display [*] FO : display of product-list item enhanced (moved availability text = more space for title and description) Fixed bugs : [-] FO : optimized performances of a SQL query [-] FO : fixed bug with group reduction [-] FO : fixed bug #4556 - Not valid JSON in blockcart module [-] FO : fixed bug #4512 - Credit slips icon on my account page has wrong alt and title [-] FO : fixed bug #4506 - Error text On sale spanish [-] FO : Search fixed when the product did not have any image associated [-] FO / MO : Order finalization fixed concerning cheque, bankwire and cashondelivery modules when ordering only virtual products [-] BO : Now table ps_block_cms is cleanned when you delete a CMS page [-] BO : fixed bug with multilanguage fields [-] BO : you can't delete a employee account if it's the last one [-] BO : fixed bug on quantity discount [-] BO : fixed bug on validation of group form [-] Classes : fixed bug with discount [-] Classes : fixed bug on product page when taxes are disabled [-] Classes : fixed bug #4584 - getNeedDNI() function, call to “Executes” instead of “ExecuteS” [-] Classes : Product price fixed when tax disabled (the state tax was still applied) [-] Classes : fixed bug #4546 - In deleteCategories function, call to “Executes” instead of “ExecuteS” [-] Classes : fixed bug #4545 - Incorrect string before Mysql request in updateQuantity function of Product.php [-] MO : fixed bug #4578 - PHP Log Error - getProductLink() on module mailalert [-] MO : fixed bug #4547 - Follow up module [-] MO : fixed bug #4508 - BlockCategories [-] MO : fixed bug #4504 - Cross Selling Image path [-] SQL : add new indexes [-] PDF : fixed order slip #################################### # v1.3.0.9 - 2293 (2010-12-05) # #################################### Fixed bugs : [-] Classes : fixed error on class ImageType #################################### # v1.3.0.8 - 2290 (2010-12-05) # #################################### Added Features : [+] MO : add new module for Cross Selling - Feature of Community day Improved/changed features : [*] FO : add spanish image for "On Sale" (#4430) [*] BO : Group listing performance increased [*] BO : add phone number into shipping and invoice address on Order details [*] SQL : add new indexes in database Fixed bugs : [-] FO : Fixed bug #4329, Bug on attachments files with special characters! (utf-8) [-] FO : fixed bug #4485 - Combination reference codes not shown on FO [-] FO : fixed bug 4459 - Removing a Product does remove all data from front office or create 404 [-] FO : Fixed bug #4474, Bad translation in the customer reviews module [-] FO : fixed bug #4482 - (read more) link is always non-friendly URL [-] FO : fixed W3C errors [-] BO : Fixed bug #4488, Improved performance on ImageType class (used in product import) [-] BO : fixed bug #4480 - Localization issues [-] BO : fixed bug #4477 - Bug in Adminsearch by reference [-] BO : Fixed bug #4473, Bug on the "Expand all fields" in the translations tab [-] BO : Fixed bug #4467, Better Slovak characters management in friendly urls [-] Classes : fixed bug #4493 - Csv category importing set all the category group access to null [-] Classes : add missing field for translations [-] Classes :fixed bug #4436 - Virtual product after editing crash [-] MO : now you can choose if only the products on actived categories are included in SiteMap [-] MO : fixed bug #4478 - Sitemap module issues [-] MO : fixed english translation (#4476) [-] MO : fixed bug #4416 - Bloc name lowercessed [-] MO : fixed little bug on PayPalAPI [-] TR : fixed bug #4479 - SQL issues after creating a new language [-] PDF : Credit slip prices are now preceded by a minux sign #################################### # v1.3.0.7 - 2260 (2010-05-05) # #################################### Added Features : [+] Project : canadian provinces and territories added Improved/changed features : [*] FO : css fix (product image block) [*] FO : product page now displays reference of unavailable products [*] BO : add warning on AdminAppearance when is'nt writable [*] BO : harmonized and best-defined TinyMCE font sizes [*] MO : mailalert now is W3C compliant [*] Project : now define variables are on new file [*] MO : small fixes on DejaLa module [*] PDF : Both tax included & tax excluded totals are now displayed on the invoice nomatter how the price display method is set [*] MO : you can edit configuration of module when is disabled Fixed bugs : [-] Installer : fixed upgrade process [-] FO : fixed bug #4372 - IE8 error JS for product w combination without picture [-] FO : fixed bug #4393 - reference new pb [-] FO : fixed bug #4367 - personalized field name not displayed in cart (FO for customer) [-] FO : fixed a PHP error on front office (#4386) [-] FO : product page now displays product reference when combination has none [-] FO : fixed color picker tooltips and alt/title attributes [-] FO : small fixe on prdouct page (#4277) [-] FO : fixed bug #4322 - Without default group I can’t see de categories tree [-] BO : rename "price" for a combination to "impact" [-] BO : Fixed bug #4359, Missing translation in order statuses tab [-] BO : fixed classic product sorting (when click on arrows) [-] BO : fixed product draggable sorting (positions were going weird and somehow not saved) [-] BO : fixed TinyMCE resizing (toolbars are buggy with IE) [-] BO : combinations generator no more deletes existing combinations, and sets default combination only when there is none [-] BO : fixed bug #4351 - Customer group not creted afrer new language installation [-] BO : fixed bug #4352 - BO doctype still lang="fr" [-] BO : fixed bug #4273 - error if delete track number in order [-] BO : add * for required field on combinations import [-] BO : remove block settigns on AdminStats page [-] BO : MySQL went away when there was too many words in a description (search indexing) [-] BO : fixed bug on generation of voucher when return product [-] BO : fixed wrong behavior when cancelling combination modification [-] BO : now we show name of label for custumonizations (#4230) [-] BO : truncate long message in AdminMessage that make issue with Internet Explorer 8 (#4245) [-] Classes : fixed bug #4250 - Product::getNewProducts total does not take groups in account [-] Classes : fixed customer registration with default group [-] Classes : now password.php not appear on sitemap.xml [-] MO : fixed bug #4411 - PayPal API display bug int https pages [-] MO : now when customer encounter error with PayPalAPI, the mercant receive a mail alert [-] MO : now link for "My alerts" isn't show if Product availability isn't checked (#4361) [-] MO : add description for module Evaluation Catalog [-] MO : fixed small bug on blockcart module (#4268) [-] MO : now image cover of product is showed on block Product Viewed (#4289) [-] MO : fixed misspelling [-] MO : fixed bug on module Feeder RSS [-] TR : small fixes on Spannish translation [-] PDF : Credit slip generation fixed #################################### # v1.3.0.6 - 2203 (2010-21-04) # #################################### Improved/changed features : [*] MO : GoogleCheckOut now is templated [*] MO : BlockRSS now is fully templated [*] MO : added link for the manual for activation and configuration of Moneybookers on Moneybookers module configuration Fixed bugs : [-] Project : fixed bug #4197 - remove contact-form.php from robots.txt [-] FO : delete terms "(tax incl.)" on choice of payment page when taxes are disabled [-] FO : delete include of product-sort.tpl on manufacturer and supplier templates [-] BO : fixed Quick Access in Back Office (#4194) [-] BO : fixed an error SQL on filter tags on AdminTags (#4196) [-] BO : fixed bug on generation of thumbnails (#4192) [-] BO : fixed bug #4208 - fixed edit of scene on Back Office [-] Classes : fixed small bug on stock management (#4182) [-] Classes : fixed bug #4211 - when you delete a product attribute, the product with this attribute on cart are deleted [-] Classes : now we allow the # char on message (#4184) [-] MO : fixed encoding issue on blockcart [-] MO : Fixed bug #4161, Allowed currencies were not checked correctly in Moneybookers module [-] MO : fixed bug on mailalert module with send of mail (#4173) [-] MO : blockwishlist now is templated [-] MO : mailsalert now is templated [-] MO : sendToAFriend fixed misspelling [-] MO : myalerts fixed misspelling [-] MO : fix into library/googlecart (line 468) [-] MO : hipay compatibility with multiple currencies [-] MO : Hipay now handles the magic quotes [-] TR : fixed issue #4194 - fixed translation for slow validation [-] SQL : fixed installation of attributes (#4183) #################################### # v1.3.0.5 - 2170 (2010-16-04) # #################################### Improved/changed features : [*] FO : improve front office template structure Fixed bugs : [-] Classes : fixed a major bug in the cart #################################### # v1.3.0.4 - 2165 (2010-15-04) # #################################### Added Features : [+] BO : allow employees to save form default language (when employee uses displayFlags tool, cookie sets the last chosen language as forms default language) [+] BO : you can now delete all combinations with just one click [+] BO : search "everywhere" added [+] MO : new stats module "catalog evaluation" [+] CSS : added clearfix Improved/changed features : [*] FO : Fixed bug #3987, Search wasn't working correctly with ( and ) [*] FO : Fixed bug #3895, big performance improvements thanks to the help of Tomasz Słomiński, added a cache for file_exists() method [*] FO : fixed alt and title attributes en product-list [*] BO : fixed display of manufacturer/supplier/category logos [*] BO : Small improvements with Customer messages and Accessories management [*] BO : fixed live update of the product name (+ now listen to changeFormLanguage) [*] BO : fix old php $languages and js var id_language in admin tabs (already and better defined in AdminTab class) [*] BO : moved parent::displayForm after global vars [*] BO : you can now resume a timed out images regeneration [*] BO : renamed temp form_id_language var [*] BO : improved category/product sort in Catalog tab (now using cookie) [*] BO : Catalog sort order remains when chosing category, activating, deleting or duplicating category or product [*] BO : form language now set as configuration value (!= admin language) [*] BO : added parent::displayForm into Admin php files to allow use of js displayFlags method [*] BO : Multilingual input required data internalization [*] BO : allow js display of language flags + retrocompatibility [*] BO : enable js display of language flags into AdminProducts and AdminCategories [*] BO : enable multi-tab language management in AdminProducts [*] BO : change "Out of stock" status to "On backorder" [*] BO : added global for cart on validateOrder method (#4020) [*] BO : Product accessories are now using with ajax load [*] BO : fixed text-transform : uppercase + capitalize (customer name) [*] BO : Accessories are order by name now [*] BO : Added some tips regarding the free shipping section [*] BO : new search engines keywords managed [*] BO : added label for customization product on AdminOrders page (#3880) [*] BO : added link on product on page of manufacturer [*] Classes : now an user can be in many groups, and not on default group [*] Classes : vouchers are now applicable in one currency only (and a few other improvements) [*] Classes : Now you can define a promotion for one day on a product (#3514) [*] Classes : set $priceByWeight and $priceByPrice on protected [*] MO : new version for Dejala module [*] MO : added link of product page on template mail "customer_qty" on module mailalerts [*] MO : added product name on comments validation page (#4054) [*] MO : Performance improvements on the blockcart module [*] MO : Loyalty module now checks reduction date + time instead of date [*] MO : Hipay now displays a warning if you use in in localhost [*] MO : Small code improvements on Mail alerts module [*] MO : Improvements regarding the Moneybookers module [*] MO : Paypal show information of order now (#3946) [*] MO : fixed translated string and its translation [*] MO : quick display fix in products blocks (ie. lastviewed module) [*] MO : added text for redirect on module PayPal [*] TR : added french translations [*] TR : fixed translations [*] Mails : Fixed translation subject for "Nouveau bon de r..." [*] CSS : replaced style=clear:both with class=clear (required for the BO fix) [*] CSS : styling accessories block + clearfixing [*] CSS : old temp. css deleted (RIP blockmenutop module) [*] SQL : added many indexes on SQL structure Fixed bugs : [-] Project : Fixed bug #4073, Turkish and Simplified Chinese language packs links were broken [-] Project : TinyMCE html descriptions are now W3C Valid (fix #3967) [-] Project : fixed uppercase of lastnames [-] Installer : Fixed bug at install (SQL error with id_default_group in PREFIX_customer) [-] Installer : fixed bug on update process [-] Installer : Fixed bug #3896 - Added several SQL indexes [-] FO : Product page now cares for postProcess module errors (such as productcomments) [-] FO : fixed bug on search tag [-] FO : Product price display fixed (when a state tax applied) [-] FO : Fixed bug #3871, Product names with accents wasn't displayed correctly in product lists [-] FO : hide submit button when you send contact mail (#4114) [-] FO : show information for slow validation of payment module (e.g. PayPal Validation) (#3998) [-] FO : fixed bug on referral program module with HTTPS (#4066) [-] FO : fixed search autocomplete with SSL [-] FO : Fixed bug #4074 - "Price lowered" wasn't displayed anymore [-] FO : Fixed bug #4063 - Even if "Sales terms" were disabled, the customer was asked to accept them [-] FO : add jQuery for the check of "CGV" [-] FO : fixed bug with discount and Internet explorer (#4037) [-] FO : fixed issue with duplicated & [-] FO : added new rule on .htaccess (#4019) [-] FO : Fixed bug #3982 - Position order way in categories wasn't the way selected in BO [-] FO : Fixed bug #3898 - Using title instead of legend on homefeatured module [-] FO : fixed small bug on address.tpl (#3994) [-] FO : Downloadable product ordering fixed when stock management is OFF [-] FO : clean authentication.tpl file [-] FO : fixed duplicated favicon issue [-] FO : change error message when not enought products on stock (#3912) [-] FO : Product combination cover image fixed when several images were assigned to a single combination [-] FO : fixed translated string and its translation [-] FO : remove this dummy folder, it been a long time, so now it's done ! thanks to everyone :) [-] FO : Fixed bug #3868, JS comment syntax error [-] FO : Fixed bug #3867, Deleted a temporary image file [-] FO : small fixes on Tools::getPath() and Tools::getFullPath() methods [-] FO : fixed a bug on product page with taxes (#3842) [-] FO : fixed summary cart when taxes are disabled [-] FO / BO : fix customization fields name in order (fix #3968) [-] BO : fixed upload of module on AdminModule page [-] BO : fixed width of tinyMCE editor (now suits width of FO center column) [-] BO : fixed IE bug with navigation tool [-] BO : Fixed bug on AdminCatalog [-] BO : fixed bug on AdminSupplier page with footer [-] BO : fixed bug on AdminManufacturer with footer [-] BO : Fixed bug #4138, Token was invalid while trying to delete or edit an image [-] BO : Fixed bug #3817/4068, An error regarding path was displayed under IIS [-] BO : Fixed bug #3799, Customizations informations are now display in order conf. email, and product were displayed twice [-] BO : Fixed bug #4005, Deleted unnecessary tabs [-] BO : Fixed bug #4125, Undefined PHP constant FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE [-] BO : Fixed bug #4126, Bad display of accessories in the product page (Product reference was missing) [-] BO : Fixed bug #4120, Bad display of customer messages under IE 8 [-] BO : Fixed bug #4121, Bad sort of customer messages when selecting "Order ID" [-] BO : custom feature values didn't appear when pre-defs values were set [-] BO : fixed Strict Standards error on BO [-] BO : rewrited url is now also rewrited when using right-click context menu "Paste" option (when leaving the input or saving the product) [-] BO : fix path bug when generating cookie [-] BO : fix javascript error on filter dropdowns (fix #4001) [-] BO : fix with form multinlingual tools (best compliancy) [-] BO : Fixed bug #4056, CSS display errors under IE in the admin panel (fieldsets...) [-] BO : Fixed bug #4078, There were several PHP warning while translating errors in the BO [-] BO : Fixed bug #4083, Added some tips regarding the order states (suggested size = 16x16) [-] BO : Fixed bug #4085, There was a missing class clear in the Order states tab [-] BO : Fixed bug #4069 - Messages posted by customers who hadn't finalize their orders were not accessible [-] BO : now you can enter ID product on Back Office Search and the product page opens directly [-] BO : fixed format selection [-] BO : fixed bug with access permissions for AdminProducts (#4035) [-] BO : fixed flags display [-] BO : Fixed bug #3996 - French translation modification [-] BO : The friendly URL auto-generation does not fail the CSV import anymore. [-] BO : fixed error message on AdminImages [-] BO : delete zoom.php file on robots.txt generated on back office [-] BO : fixed bug when changing translation language under different tabs [-] BO : Fixed CSV import multilines [-] BO : can't set 1 to quantity discount for product [-] BO : boolean compared to string = cast into boolean (fixed it in admintab and added a magnifier in the order tab) [-] BO : Fixed bug #3945 - Products positions are now conserved when updating a product [-] BO : fixe bug #3825 (do not delete an updated product from accessories of others) [-] BO : fixed encoding issue on TinyMCE [-] BO : Invoices are no longer accessible if their order status does not allow PDF invoice [-] BO : fixed a bug with input for link rewrite for CMS page [-] BO : Fixed missing link_rewrite field on Category import #3831 [-] BO : fixed regeneration of scenes thumbnails [-] BO : fixed links at the bottom of product edit pages [-] BO : fixed display bug with alerts about non-compatible characters [-] BO : Gift message display fixed (was not displaying carriage returns) [-] BO : fix the toogle of help boxes (#3821) [-] BO : fixed issue currency on "Total paid since registration" on AdminOrders (#3840) [-] BO : fixed issue with currency on statistics [-] Classes : fixed DB backup (#4119) [-] Classes : fixed shipping cost when no carrier selected (#4099) [-] Classes : Fixed bug #4067 - PHP warning on $tax undefined variable in PaymentModule class [-] Classes : Fixed bug #4048 - Multiple carriers being ignored, shipping £0 [-] Classes : fixed stock management when pack product are returned (#4016) [-] Classes : Multi customer group assignation fixed (default group added) [-] Classes : you can't add pack of products on your cart when one product is out of stock (#3977) [-] Classes : fixed bug when used discount with tax disabled (#3975) [-] Classes : fixed bug on strlen method (#3937) [-] Classes : Fixed bug #3907 - Tax excl. discount values were wrong [-] Classes : Fixed bug #3907 - Free shipping is now excluding discounts coupon from its calculation [-] Classes : Product prices fixed on cart summary when a tax different from the product one (e.g., State tax) should applied and the tax display option set to tax excluded [-] Classes : fixed stock management of product pack with combinations [-] Classes : fixed count order on AdminCustomer page (#3859) [-] Classes : fixed an issue with shipping free fees and currency (#3854) [-] Classes : Credit slip does not display discount/voucher anymore [-] Classes : fixed issue with currency and reduction price of product [-] Classes : fixed issue with currency on gift wrapping (#3814) [-] Classes : configuration cache is updated when add a new configuration [-] PDF : PDF invoice fixed when free order occured [-] PDF : fixed PDF with wrapping cost [-] MO : editorial - fixed width of tinyMCE editor [-] MO : fixed an error PHP on ProductCategory module [-] MO : fixed a bug on block new product when you haven't new product (#4098) [-] MO : save option checked for "all_cms" on module Gsitemap (#4134) [-] MO : Referral module voucher generation fixed (currency support added) [-] MO : fixed bug #4092 - correct the number of point with the most expensive combination [-] MO : fixed loyalty module with multicurrency (#3976) [-] MO : Fixed bug #4087, "classic" pages (contact, best sales...) were missing in sitemap.xml [-] MO : Fixed bugs #4004/#4070, error with Smarty date format in product.tpl [-] MO : Fixed bug #4086, There were several error generating sitemap.xml (PHP warnings) [-] MO : Fixed bug #4076, Loyalty points were calculated product by product instead of cart total [-] MO : Fixed bug #4061 - "New products" module wasn't managing accents correctly [-] MO : fixed a little bug on Ganalytics module (#4052) [-] MO : fixed databases structure to MyISAM for MailAlert module (#4041) [-] MO : fixed Currencies restrictions for cheque and bankwire modules [-] MO : small changes on mailalert [-] MO : fixed the send mail for reinjecting product on mail alert module (#3177) [-] MO : Partially fixed bug #3177 - Work in progress regarding mail alert module [-] MO : fixed display issues into blockcart [-] MO : Fixed bug #3510 - Loyalty module: Reward statuses are now translated (English, French, Spanish...) [-] MO : Fixed bug #3510 - Loyalty module: Points were canceled on the whole order even if you were canceling only 1 product [-] MO : Fixed bug #3510 - Loyalty module: “Transform my points” was displayed even if you didn’t have “Available” points [-] MO : Fixed bug #3510 - Loyalty module: Added the “From date” regarding the validity of the discount [-] MO : fixed wrong display when adding product to wishlist [-] MO : fixed conflict with blockwhislist and blockcart (#3991) [-] MO : watermarks module accept only GIF image (#3988) [-] MO : fixed installation of Watermark module [-] MO : added wrapping cost to shipping cost on PayPal (#3984) [-] MO : Fixed bug #3891 - Moneybookers eWallet logo wasn't set properly [-] MO : small fix on blockcategories module [-] MO : fixed inactive languages in statscheckup [-] MO : cart expanded after refresh fixed (fixed #3964) [-] MO : fixed bug with PayPal module with US address [-] MO : Fixed bug #3934 - Cheque address now includes
in e-mails [-] MO : fixed error on cart quantity product on GCheckOut (#3910) [-] MO : quantity fixed in statsproduct [-] MO : small fix on the description length in statscheckup [-] MO : fixed undisplaying product quantities in blockuserinfo.tpl [-] MO : fixed php error on module productscategory [-] MO : fixed bug with currency on PayPalAPI module [-] MO : fixed a js bug on PayPalAPI (#3838) [-] MO : stats currency fixed [-] MO : fixed issue with currency for google analytics statistics [-] MO : fixed issue when foreaching viewed products [-] TR : fixed an error on english translation [-] Mails : removed BOM on many files [-] Mails : Removed TTC label on order confirmation mail [-] CSS : fix IE6 [-] SQL : fixed spannish URL rewriting on sql installer file [-] SQL : fixed mistake into configuration vars (product sorted by position but not alphabetically) [-] SQL : fixed an error in sql file for upgrade #################################### # v1.3.0.3 - 1965 (2010-09-03) # #################################### Improved/changed features : [*] FO : Fixed size of color picker images [*] FO : Optimized jQZoom js file [*] FO : Fix display of languages flags when using low bandpass or when image does not exist [*] FO / MO : fixed english grammar and trads [*] BO : Description words are now indexed from 3 characters (instead 4 before) - (request was made on bug #3420) [*] BO : Field size increased for some fields such as invoices prefix [*] Classes : optimized the indexation search (#3786) Fixed bugs : [-] Installer : fixed cache problem in installer with Internet Explorer [-] Installer : fixed translations (#3760, #3761) [-] FO : invoice link not showing when order is cancelled (#3627) [-] FO : You can search by tag again [-] FO : now, on summary page, state appear (#3807) [-] FO : fixed bug on product page with currency [-] FO : fixed an error on check of SSL in init.php [-] FO : fixed focus in ajax search [-] FO : fix last fix (now works with AND without custom tpl...) [-] FO : fix bug when adding custom template/validation.tpl for cashondelivery module [-] FO : fixed CSS align for "Currency" text [-] FO : fixed bug on summary page with discount (#3648) [-] BO : Fixed import #3541 [-] BO : Fixed import special chars #3198 #3473 [-] BO : you can't change status of order with no products (#3546) [-] BO : Increase CMS content field size (limitated 65k before) [-] BO : Fixed bug #3748, Quantity discount value (tax excl.) was false in cart [-] BO : fix undeletable last subdomain [-] BO : Fixed bug #2892 - Position switching wasn't working properly on the "Home" category [-] BO : Fixed missing link_rewrite field on Product import #3501 [-] BO : fix duplicated adminlang param into language links [-] BO : fixed an error in stock gestion [-] BO : fixed with the search engine in header [-] BO : fixed a notice error in Back Office (#3772) [-] Classes : fixed discount values without taxes (#3319) [-] Classes : js activated in tinyMCE (fixed #3380) [-] Classes : fixed the stock management for product pack (#3274) [-] Classes : Now range end for carrier is excluded [-] MO : fixed bug with currency on module PayPalAPI [-] MO : small changes on the PayPalAPI module [-] MO : small change on the MoneyBookers module [-] MO : Fixed bug #3735 - Moneybookers first setting validation failed [-] MO : Fixed bug #3637 - Visitors wasn't able to reload Moneybookers payment page [-] MO : fixed an error in module mailalert with "product out of stock" mail (#2999) [-] MO : fixed a bug in module referralprogram with mail template (#2945) [-] MO : fixed PHP error on module productcategory when no others products on category [-] TR : fixed english translation in BO [-] TR : change french translation for "Available" [-] SQL : fixed error on databases structure and upgrade #################################### # v1.3.0.2 - 1902 (2010-25-02) # #################################### Added Features : [+] Classes : new feature that disables AJAX search if the module "block search" is removed from hook Header to avoid javascript errors on Front Office Improved/changed features : [*] Project : Convert all files to unix format [*] FO : Cart performances improved [*] FO : Alignment of wishlist icon [*] FO : IE issue with option width in select with defined width. Best practice advise to use title attribute on option tags. [*] FO : The header no more collapses with the lower content when user infos are larger [*] FO : global.css is now valid W3C [*] FO / BO : now if states are desactived for one country, these states not showing on account edition on FO and BO [*] FO / BO : now you can edit the identification number of customer [*] BO : improved configuration of shipping [*] BO : added check after send the invoice number configuration [*] BO : improved method array_walk() on AdminImport.php [*] BO : management errors related to images when importing CSV [*] BO : Improved mime type detection method! no more finfo method required [*] Classes : redefine Smarty truncate in and check if mb_string librairy is active or not for use mb_substr method [*] Classes : Gift-wrapping price is now tax ecluded [*] Classes : improved the use of SSL with for example the block cart Ajax when server force SSL [*] Classes : added php error code when upload file failed [*] MO : added possibility on Gsitemap module, you can now generate sitemap with all CMS pages or only CMS pages in block CMS [*] MO : added spanish mail templates on module ReferralProgram [*] MO : added spannish templates mail for module blocknewsletter [*] MO : adjusting the configuration explanation from PayPal module to the new interface Paypal [*] MO : Hipay updated [*] MO : added warning on PayPal module when you are in localhost [*] TR : update transaltions [*] SQL : size price is now increased (#3693, #3668) Fixed bugs : [-] Project : remove zoom.php file, this file is no longer used in the solution [-] Installer : fixed a bug with installer and 5.3.1 php version [-] Installer : Fixed bug when trying to reach the installer specifying index.php in the URL [-] Installer : Fixed bug #3624 - Wording modification [-] Installer : fixed timeout bug #3715 [-] FO : correction in the command history of the statute which was not translated into the language of the user [-] FO : fixed error in cart quantity (retroactive) [-] FO : fixed a bug on product page when Jqzoom actived [-] FO : Fixed CSS bug with Safari [-] FO : fixed a Hack attempt error when you edit your personal information [-] FO : contact-form sanitized 'from' field (#3486) [-] FO : fixed layout issue with last product added in cart [-] FO : Meta description fixed for category page (#3659) [-] FO : fixed bug on showing parse for disponibility [-] FO : when taxes disabled the price on product page aren't followed by 'tax incl.' [-] FO : Fixed bug #3387 - Bad state selection and display on address add/modify [-] FO : Fixed bug #3719 - Thickbox picture position was too low (IE 6/7/8) [-] FO : added redirect when you put an out of stock product (#3711) [-] FO : fixed blocks' strict width in the header [-] FO: bug fixed #3601 : fix price input [-] FO : small fix for some chars in the search [-] FO: bug fixed #3662 : allow to reset images for non-color attributes selection [-] FO: bug fixed #3694 : no ajax cart for order pages [-] FO : fixed restriction of carrier with groups (#3623) [-] FO : Remove the parse: "Remaining amount to be added to your cart in order to obtain free shipping" when only virtual product in cart [-] FO : Customizable product addition to the cart fixed [-] BO : deleted users are no longer counted in their group [-] BO : fixed a bug in tinyMCE when you add a local image [-] BO : fixed a bug with cart product quantity on AdminCarts page [-] BO : checkbox for showed all module or not, now works on IE [-] BO : fixed a bug, customer group not showed when no user in this. [-] BO : Fixed bug #3474 - Managing new characters in friendly URLs (ěščřžůĚŠČŘŽŮ) [-] BO : fixed a bug in AdminCarts when products have costumizedDatas [-] BO : fixed bug on CSV import with tags product [-] BO : on AdminManufacturers, manufacturer's addresses deleted are now not counted [-] BO : Downloadable product duplication fixed [-] BO : Fixed bug #3512 - File download preview wasn't working properly if product not yet saved [-] BO : Fixed bug #3687 - BOM is not skipped for UTF-8 CSV files [-] BO : Fixed bug #3712 - Attribute value import was always new [-] BO : fixed decrementing of stock during the transition to a validated status of an order [-] BO : Fixed bug #3696, meta length modified and uniformized for all tables/classes [-] BO : Fixed bug #3717, disable capability to define a scene on homepage [-] BO : Fixed multiple bugs with AdminAttributeGenerator select (wrong display in Opera, no event in IE...) [-] BO : when you delete file product and upload new file, now, the error message for file missing dispear [-] BO : permissions update is now compatible with Internet Explorer [-] Classes : fixed generation of PDF when tax disabled [-] Classes : fixed noPackPrice() method in mode tax excluded [-] Classes : fixed isBirthDate() validation method [-] Classes : fixed error on use of finfo_open() in isPicture() function [-] Classes : fixed bug with use of convertPrice method [-] Classes : replace substr() by Tools::substr() [-] Classes : Now Prestashop accept new characters on password (!@#$%^&*()) [-] Classes : fix a SSL authentication bug with gmail with swift [-] Classes : Customizable product deletion fixed [-] Classes : Customer address retrieval fixed (used the cookie which was corrupted. Use the cart instead now) [-] Classes : fixed issue with some versions of Mysql on order creation [-] MO : now, showing the logo of moneybookers by default if logo configuration not define on choice of payment method [-] MO : fixed bug with cart quantity on mailalert module [-] MO : fixed errors in module Loyalty (#3497) [-] MO : fixed module productscategory with added ean13 on link of products [-] MO : fixed an error with cart quantity on module dejala [-] MO : Loyalty module now takes into account the dates of product promotions [-] MO : paypal, fixed a price convertion problems with currency [-] MO : incorrect class name in paypal ipn [-] MO : fixed bug in PayPalAPI while using a special currency [-] MO : Now, a message appear for confirm the registration on mail alert on product page [-] MO : fixed XSS on productcomments module [-] MO : fixed an error in module mailalert that prevented the removal alerts [-] MO : fixed empty when cart quantities == 0 on module blockcart and blockuserinfo [-] MO : fixed bug with PayPal module and device different as default [-] MO : fixed producttooltip module on Internet Explorer [-] MO: bug fixed #3601 : fix a minor translation in gsitemap [-] MO : fixed currency change on the payment page of the module cheque and bankwire [-] MO : small fixes in PayPal module [-] TR : Fixed a french translation error in mail [-] MAILS : Fixed bug #3688 - Missing ES emails [-] SQL : related fields on database are now same data type [-] SQL : fixed bug with configuration of currency for payment module [-] SQL : fixed SQL of upgrade file (#3699) #################################### # v1.3.0.1 - 1783 (2010-26-01) # #################################### Added Features : [+] Installer : Adding indexes for searching Spanish during installation [+] Installer : Adding tags on Spanish for products during installation [+] Installer : Added the ability to choose his country by default during installation [+] Installer : Adding iframe on installer for Prestastore modules and themes [+] Installer : Adding Spanish in the install [+] FO : Adding hook for module Reverso [+] BO : Group restriction for Carriers [+] BO : Added two hooks: backOfficeTop and backOfficeFooter [+] BO : Adding hook in header of administration panel [+] BO : When importing a language, if the target language does not exist it is created automatically [+] BO : Add configuration in backup database, you can now backup only the necessary tables [+] BO : Add option for active or disable Tax identification number for a country [+] BO : Added ability to show the modules operating in his country on the module page [+] BO : In email server configuration, you can test your configuration [+] BO : New stats buttons for the previous day/month/year [+] BO : When adding a language you receive a request to download the language pack based on the iso code [+] MO : Added free Moneybookers module! Accept payments via moneybookers! [+] MO : Add ReversoForm module [+] MO : Add module dejala [+] MO : Add proprieties in construct, limited countries with countries if the module is available, for futur feature [+] MO : New payment module: Hipay ( [+] MO : Added product tooltips module (Show how many people are watching a product page, last sale and last cart add) [+] TR : New language natively, integration of the Spanish [+] TR : Adding french translation for module Reverso Improved/changed features : [*] Installer : Added a warning in the installer in step 4 stating to disable the option "Receive notifications by e-mail" if the e-mail configuration is incorrect [*] Installer : Adding SQL requests to clean up the database during the upgrade [*] Installer : Adding optimizations SQL with new indexes in database [*] Installer : Added missing translations [*] Installer : Cleaning the English translation file [*] Installer : Remove the back button in step 4 of the installation [*] Installer : Improved SQL queries, installer runs faster! [*] Installer : Translations improvements [*] Installer : Improved translations [*] Installer : Improved spanish translations (¡Hola!) [*] Installer : Deletion of the README and added a readme file in txt format in three native languages [*] Installer : Improved installer for the update [*] Installer : Adding a sentence to indicate the result of monitoring the technical specifications [*] Installer : Adding a sentence suggesting the addition downloading language packs [*] Installer : Improving the fifth step of installer [*] Installer : Adding indexes in the SQL file for the database [*] Installer : Add block "Need Help ?" on installer [*] Installer : Update MySQL files with new indexes [*] Installer : SQL file for update and install updated [*] Installer : fixed currencies with ASCII code [*] Installer : Added a warning in the installer in step 4 stating to disable the option "Receive notifications by e-mail" if the e-mail configuration is incorrect [*] FO : Price round calculation method choice added (down/up/half) in javascript [*] FO : improved alphabetical sort of features and values of features [*] FO : Overall performance improvements [*] FO : Improved spanish translations (¡Hola!) [*] FO : Improved breadcrumb path [*] FO : Added Tax ID number field for inclusion of clients mandatory in some countries [*] FO : Optimizing MySQL with new indexes and fixing some SQL queries [*] FO : Optimizing Smarty, set var compile_check of Smarty to false, do not forget to upgrade your [*] FO : Enhanced number of products sorting in pagination [*] FO : improved number of products on page selector [*] FO : Improved meta_titles to optimize SEO [*] FO : Added spans into navigation pipe + added breadcrumb on cms pages [*] FO : Maintenance check is now on init.php [*] FO : added documentation code to order.php [*] FO : Improved attributes sort [*] BO : new parameter in preference for rounded mode [*] BO : Correction of message definitions for downloading a language pack when adding a language [*] BO : Added a warning message on the page when the import CSV file import is not writable [*] BO : Added a warning message on the page of the backup database when the backup folder is not writable [*] BO : AdminShipping Warning if active carrier has no fee defined [*] BO : Adding security to a file called by AJAX [*] BO : Modified quantities to cancel (now taking ordered quantity instead of "1") [*] BO : Modified duration of credit slip discounts (6 months -> 1 year) - not retroactive [*] BO : Increased width on the form for adding or changing a product [*] BO : Improved spanish translations (¡Hola!) [*] BO : Improved selection of images for the regeneration of images [*] BO : Added a tip for the new feature in the list of modules [*] BO : Several SQL & PHP optimizations [*] BO : Improving the suggestion of downloading the language pack when adding a language [*] BO : Added Tax ID number in order details [*] BO : Show a warning if you are using the default PayPal email address [*] BO : Adding a "-" character before the price reduction in the detail of a command [*] BO : Optimizing MySQL with new indexes and fixing some SQL queries [*] BO : You can now disabled the check for modules update [*] BO : enhanced user can not delete default group [*] BO : SQL optimisation in categories [*] BO : you can now select which type and which format you want to regenerate in AdminImages [*] BO : you can now use multiple addresses IP maintenance with coma separator [*] BO : now display module tab in breadcumb (thank to Julien Breux) [*] BO : you can now mark a carrier as a module directly by using back-office (#2744) [*] BO : adding a message in product edition page to explain quantity override when at lest of declination is present [*] BO : improved (reduced) width of AdminProducts table [*] Classes : Shipping handling costs are now defined tax exclude and are affect by tax of carrier [*] Classes : fixed Tools self:: [*] Classes : p(), Tools::p(), Tools::dieObject now return first argument [*] Classes : Fixed bug on product price with quantity discount [*] Classes : getStaticPrice() now, calculating the reduction only if necessary [*] Classes : Price round calculation method choice added (down/up/half) [*] PDF : Added Tax ID number in bill [*] PDF : now display if an order is gift-wrapped [*] MO : Hipay improved [*] MO : added missing escape [*] MO : Possibility now to configure the module blockadvertising [*] MO : Adding a description on the module HiPay [*] MO : Adding French translations for the module HiPay [*] MO : producttolltip, adding a confirmation message when the update settings [*] MO : Module "homefeatured" - deleted useless several variables passed to Smarty [*] MO : Adding Spanish translations for many modules [*] MO : Smarty performance improvements [*] MO : Added a few missing french translations [*] MO : Reverso, add french translations [*] MO : improved blocknewproducts module [*] MO : blocktags and blockviewed, optimizing MySQL with new index and fixing some SQL queries [*] MO : Gsitemap, remove image files from sitemap [*] MO : some display changes on PayPalAPI [*] MO : wrapping price taken into account in google checkout [*] MO : added address support in PayPalAPI [*] MO : dynamic images for PayPalAPI [*] MO : added links on column logo in PayPalAPI [*] MO : new FR translations for PayPalAPI [*] TR : adding translations in AdminCategories [*] TR : Improved spanish translations HTML & TXT (¡Hola!) [*] TR : Adding translations in Spanish and French on BO [*] TR : Adding Spanish translation [*] TR : Adding translations for the new feature in BO: backup all tables [*] TR : Adding translations for activation of Tax Id Number [*] TR : new FR translations [*] TR : French equivalent for "Display available quantities on product page:" added Fixed bugs : [-] Installer : Fixed a bug that doesn't create employe account while installing [-] Installer : Changed installer, now Spain requires as default a DNI [-] Installer : Correction price of products default [-] Installer : Fixed CSS in block "Need Help?" [-] Installer : Update the SQL file for upgrade with no auto_increment on id_cms (cms_lang table) [-] Installer : Fixed bug #3348 - Install wasn't working properly when using special characters in DB password [-] Installer : Fixed bug with SQL prefix [-] Installer : Fixed a translation of install in Spanish [-] Installer : Css fixed on block "Need Help ?" [-] Installer : Bug fixed on database installation (#3141, #3116, #3115) [-] Installer : fixed bug with http_host and sql_debug [-] Installer : Product reduction upgrade fixed (for PS version < alias 1.0 RC4) [-] FO : fixed calculation of declinaison price in product page with a currency different as default [-] FO : Order history & confirmation e-mail fixed (price precision) [-] FO : Fixed price accuracy to 6 decimals to calculate the combination price on the product sheet [-] FO : Cast fixed (bool instead of int) [-] FO : Fixed price on the product sheet [-] FO : Now the carrier by default in correctly selected [-] FO : Fixed bug #3256 - Prevent from setting RSS feed as your own RSS feed (infinite loop) [-] FO : The link "display all images" now appears only if necessary on product.php [-] FO : Fixed bug #3160 - SSL warning when customer is trying to read sales terms [-] FO : Fixed bug #2851 - Small CSS improvement on color picker [-] FO : Fixed a Javascript error [-] FO : module blockviewed display correctly category name in friendly URL [-] FO : module blockwichlist now use category for url rewriting in external view [-] FO : module blockwichlist dumb french translation [-] FO : Bug fixed on carrier selection default [-] FO : module blockwichlist products in block now use category for rewrited URL [-] FO : modules (feeder) Products in RSS feeds was not using category's friendly URL [-] FO : now attachement have their extension [-] FO : Now, city can contain numeric characters (e.g: Praha 5) (#3252) [-] FO : cookie accessible in smarty in compatibility mode [-] FO : fixed errors with pagination when using search engine [-] FO : minor issue (?) with missing padding [-] FO : bug fixed on site map, hide restricted category now. (#3103) [-] FO : bug fixed, name product empty when added in cart. (#3099) [-] FO : bug fixed, miss 'as new field' and 'orderprice' for manufacturers products in product-list.tpl (#3184) [-] FO : Fixed bug, default carrier in order.php (#3108) [-] FO : Bug fixed on stylesheet for incompatible input style on Opera 9 [-] FO : Distinct command for dummies [-] FO : The search does not look for products in disabled categories anymore [-] FO : fixed pagination in prices-drop.tpl (#2950) [-] FO : fixed a bug in pretaxed price with no group reduction (#2924). Thanks to Thalicia ! [-] FO : parse_url was only compatible with php 5.2 in Connection, causing warnings [-] FO : update customer identity no longer erase 'last_passwd_gen' and 'newsletter_date_add' (#3003) [-] FO : now only display order state not hidden for customer (#2992) [-] FO : Bug fixed states not sorted on addess form [-] FO : Product download link fixed (when not logged in) [-] FO : Meta tags description fixed [-] FO : State memorization fixed on the my-account page (when the state name contains a simple quote) [-] FO : Default message "Product no longer available" display fixed [-] FO : Fixed an error in the javascript to display product prices on the page of a product with customers who don't pay tax [-] FO / BO : Fix small problems HTML and javascript [-] FO / BO : Product price fixed (when prices were one hundredth higher than an integer value, e.g., 79.01 instead of 79.00) [-] FO / BO : fixed bad field in connections table (#3518) [-] FO / BO : fixed misspellings [-] FO / BO : Swift SMTP sending fixed (when no authenticator was set) [-] FO / BO : Tax calculation fixed (when a state tax was deleted) [-] BO : fixed translation bug with "minutes" word (#3535) [-] BO : Order detail display fixed (price precision) [-] BO : Invoices are now sorted by date when generating multiple invoices [-] BO : Fixed a bug with CSV import products with NULL quantity (#3018) [-] BO : Employees who have only the right to see the permissions of employee status can not change them. [-] BO : Fixed bug #3344 - States list is now fully ajax-compliant in the "Addresses" tab [-] BO : Fixed bug #3455 - Bad parameter in cms::listcms() + small code improvments [-] BO : Fixed bug #3163 - CSV export encoding issues with other languages than english [-] BO : Fixed bug #3422 - Changed CHMOD recommendation from 777 to 666 on .htaccess and robots.txt files [-] BO : Fixed bug #2961 - When you got an "Out of stock" order, payment state is now also stored! [-] BO : Fixed bug in tinyMce with numbered lists [-] BO : Fixed bug #3356 - "Too big" header when printing too much invoices [-] BO : replace strval by urlencode for url of multiple invoice generation [-] BO : Fixed a bug in the backup of the database with dates of birth (#3349) [-] BO : Fixed bug #3205 - Issue with weight calculation when using product attribute (weight = product weight + attribute weight) [-] BO : Fixed bug #3307 - "Hack attempt" with order->total_paid when trying to cancel products from an order [-] BO : Fixed bug #2968 - Now deleting tags and search words while deleting a language [-] BO : bug fixed on input product features [-] BO : Fixed a CSS problem in the Tags tab [-] BO : Fixed bug with forced unit of weight [-] BO : Stats conversion rate fixed [-] BO : Fixed an error when creating a language automatically when importing a language pack [-] BO : Table category_group is now correctly updated on category deletion [-] BO : Security on bad cookie (intval was missing) [-] BO : bug fixed on date picker with time format [-] BO : fixed check of EAN13 code [-] BO : fix bug display countries (#3255) [-] BO : fixed bug with optionnal (when delete is not available) [-] BO : bug fixed on order link in catalog [-] BO : On export translations, now newsletter templates order_merchant_comment.html/.txt included [-] BO : translation fixed in AdminReferrers [-] BO : bug fixed when delete accessory associated with a product (#3214) [-] BO : Number of products available in a category when a product is duplicated into subcategories [-] BO : fixed catalog tables getting out of page frame with Russian language [-] BO : fixed bug relogging after administrator changes his own password into employees tab [-] BO : fixed bug sorting products in catalog [-] BO : Total display on the order listing fixed (did not care about the order currency) [-] BO : CSV import error reporting fixed (errors were not always displayed) [-] BO : bug fixed, in AdminOrders, prices are now displayed with taxes (#3140) [-] BO : bug fixed, force reload updated product image (#3129) [-] BO : Bug fixed on create customer associating groups [-] BO : now select correctly orders for PDF generation [-] BO : stange warning in the referrer form fixed [-] BO : copy of the product name in the friendly URL fixed ("/" was allowed) [-] BO : multiple deletion of attachments fixed [-] BO : fixed bug while errors in submit attributes [-] BO : fixed bug while saving payment modules by countries [-] BO : fixed bug while errors in submit attributes [-] BO : Force reload logo in appearence tab (#3124) [-] BO : when setting a color attribute, staying on product page [-] BO : fixed bug age differences in AdminCustomers.php (#3032) [-] BO : fixed bug on features product combo box order (#2962) [-] BO : fixed too long URL while getting multiple invoices (#2715) [-] BO : Tag filter fixed [-] BO : fixed bug whith pagination and category in BO (#2916) [-] BO : fixed translation bug with "minutes" [-] Classes : Remove the use of cookie in PayementModule [-] Classes : replace ceilf method by ps_round in displayPrice() method [-] Classes : Fixed calculation of price quantity discount in BO and invoices [-] Classes : Adding retroactive change of price calculations [-] Classes : Price precision fixed when using discount quantities [-] Classes : Fixed price calculation in mode excluding taxes [-] Classes : Setting tax precision to 3 decimals [-] Classes : Price precision fixed when ordering from a country without any tax application [-] Classes : Product price fixed (when none default currency selected and/or voucher added) [-] Classes : Fixed bug #2988 - Added several methods in order to better clean the DB while deleting a product [-] Classes : fixed bug in method getByEmail on Customer class [-] Classes : Fixed issues with smarty |truncate and |escape functions and languages [-] Classes : Fixed a security hole [-] Classes : Total really paid rounding fixed [-] Classes : Product price display fixed (0.01 precision) [-] Classes : Product price display fixed (was broken under non-US PHP configuration) [-] Classes : Front Office, Back Office & PDF prices fixed [-] Classes : fixed bug when getting invoice address [-] Classes : fixed getProducts() missing blank spaces before LIMIT and ORDER when random === true [-] Classes : fixed getFullPath() in Tools.php (added span) [-] Classes : Validate::isInt() fixed [-] Classes : fixed getNewFilename() as static function in ProductDownload.php [-] Classes : all HTTP_HOST occurences fixed, replaced by our own Tools::getHttpHost() [-] Classes : out-of-range behavior for carrier is now taken into account (#2605) [-] Classes : fixed full path in pear_xml_parser (#3010) [-] Classes : fixed bad properties for meta_keywords in Category (#3023) [-] Classes : fixed empty conf value in PDF (#3037) [-] Classes : Discount quantity fixed when ordering different combinations [-] Classes : fixed javascript events in Validate.php [-] Classes : fixed multiple language iso code for language detection in Tools.php (#2912) [-] Classes : category now more display hidden sub-category [-] Classes : fixed bug in substr() of Tools.php (#2913) [-] Classes : delete a feature now delete its associations to products (#2922) [-] Classes : Product quantity decrementation fixed (when one product ordered was out-of-stock) [-] PDF : Fixed calculation of total on invoices in the use of discount [-] PDF : Fixed calculation of transport costs on invoices when mode in taxes excluded [-] PDF : Voucher quantity is now displayed in the quantity column [-] PDF : Now, reference values are encode in UTF-8 [-] PDF : Fixed a bug that did not add the transport costs on the total [-] PDF : Total products tax fixed [-] PDF : Price display fixed (rounded prices' displays) [-] MO : fixed email check [-] MO : blockcart product price display fixed (displayed everytime the tax excluded price, not taking care about the customer group configuration) [-] MO : Fixed some bugs on TM4B module [-] MO : fixed product name display bug between ajax and static (#3519) [-] MO : Small fixes [-] MO : fixed rare warnings in some modules [-] MO : feeder, fixed a bug when generating the RSS feed products with the product name contains & characters [-] MO : producttolltip, replacing $_POST with Tools::getValue [-] MO : Fixed a translation problem in the breadcrumb at the checkout process with the payment method cashondelivry [-] MO : blockcart, fixed incorrect use of PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT in blockcart (#3484) [-] MO : Fixed a CSS bug with tags

on FO in module "Home text editor" [-] MO : mailalerts, bug fixed on alert for product attribute [-] MO : productscategory, bug fixed on serial scroll with buttons next and previous [-] MO : blockwishlist, many bugs fixed [-] MO : statscatalog, fixed an error in SQL request (#3289) [-] MO : Fixed bug #3215 - Module "birthdaypresent" wasn't working correctly + Duration changed to 1 month [-] MO : Fixed bug #3460 - Bad rewrited link in "blockviewed" module [-] MO : Fixed bug #2725 - Module "productscategory" - with missing prefixes (pc_) [-] MO : BlockViewed, bug fixed when you are unlogged, the block shows only one product viewed [-] MO : blockwishlist, bug fix whishlist when the block is not displayed when adding items in a list [-] MO : canonicalUrl, correct installation of this module [-] MO : PaypalApi, correct file paths with a "/" too [-] MO : Moneybookers, remove the display of an image invalid [-] MO : blockspecials, Increased width of the button "All specials" [-] MO : Fixed display error when using a coupon for free shipping (mod blockcart) [-] MO : MoneyBookers, deleting useless comments [-] MO : blockpermanentlinks, Fixed Spanish translation [-] MO : Reverso bug fixed on install [-] MO : blockrss, fixed bug on install [-] MO : blockviewed, now the user can't view the description of product on private group [-] MO : the installer and hook method fixed on reverso module [-] MO : blockwishlist fixed when you delete a product [-] MO : blockwishlist fixed on URL friendly [-] MO : blockwishlist fixed on installation of module [-] MO : SQL file fixed due a "\n" too [-] MO : Bug fixed on blockviewed module, an error appear when you viewed a product with no image [-] MO : blockwishlist, products in wishlist are no using friendly URL [-] MO : fixed misspellings [-] MO : fixed issue with google analytics under SSL protocol [-] MO : missing translations in StatsEquipment and StatsSales [-] MO : statsbestsupplier fixed [-] MO : Google Chart fixed [-] MO : blockwishlist, bug fixed on install [-] MO : Bug fixed on statsnewsletter when block newsletter module not installed (#3147) [-] MO : bug fixed on blockviewed with long product name. (#3100) [-] MO : fixed date bug in followup (#2908) [-] MO : fixed bug for the use rate in followup (#2842) [-] MO : fixed SSL bugs in loyalty and myalerts (#3107) [-] MO : fixed bug in gsitemap while generating wrong URL (#2940). Thanks to Benoth! [-] MO : you can now change your address while logged with PayPalAPI Express Checkout [-] MO : fixed bug while editing a link in blocklink with a new lang created (#492) [-] MO : PayPal does not support product details anymore in order to have correct total amount [-] MO : URL Canonical. Bug fixed duplicate host in URL canonical. [-] MO : StatsNewsletter fixed according to the modifications the the newsletter block [-] MO : myalerts.php now include_once mailalerts.php [-] MO : added htmlentities() in blockbestsellers [-] MO : if no CMS page are checked, no more display all CMS in blockinfos and blockvariouslinks (#2996) [-] MO : now regenerate a new token if expired in PayPalAPI [-] MO : fixed wrong include paths in PayPalAPI [-] MO : rename case files of PayPalAPI [-] MO : Bankwire installation return value fixed [-] MO : ValidateOrder method now returns the order ID no matter of the order status [-] MO : small fixes on Moneybookers module [-] MO : Fixed validation moneybookers [-] TR : Fixed a translation [-] TR : Added missing translations in the back office [-] TR : Correction of French and English translations [-] TR : Fixed all mail templates for Spanish [-] TR : Fixed a translation in the import on BO [-] TR : Mail translation fixed [-] SQL : Fixed bug #3437 - No auto_increment on id_cms (cms_lang table) Release Notes for PrestaShop 1.2 -------------------------------- #################################### # v1.2.5.0 - 1458 (2009-26-10) # #################################### Security fixes: [-] Security : XSS vulnerability on the contact form fixed [-] Security : XSS vulnerability on the sendtoafriend module fixed [-] Security : Pathtransversal on the Back Office fixed #################################### # v1.2.4.0 - 1339 (2009-15-09) # #################################### Fixed bugs : [-] Classe : fixed getNumberError() in MySQL.php (#2903) [-] BO : fixed bug whith pagination and category in BO [-] BO : fixed bug duplicating product with image (#2862) [-] Classes : fixed SQL error in Customer.php (#2868). Thanks to jahazzz ! [-] Classes : fixed bug while duplicating product without tags (#2860). Thanks to Victor Berchet ! [-] Classes : fixed SQL price drop bug (#2870) [-] Installer : fixed error while updating #################################### # v1.2.3.0 - 1328 (2009-09-09) # #################################### Added Features : [+] MO : added cross selling to statsproduct [+] BO : added products bought by the customer on the customer page Improved/changed features : [*] Classes : added debug mode for PHP and MySQL return [*] BO : tab images size fixed [*] BO : Combination generator tax information added Fixed bugs : [-] BO : fixed slowless in product quantity of each category [-] BO : fixed back button on AdminProducts (#2789) [-] Classes : fixed group SQL slowness [-] Installer : deleted double hook inserted (#2848) [-] FO : Shopping cart product number fixed [-] MO : Home featured product positioning fixed [-] BO : Image upload fixed (when the mime type contained extra information) [-] FO : Free shipping fixed (was casted to integer value) [-] Classes : Email validation method fixed [-] MO : Email sending when quantity is lower than X fixed when the stock management was disabled [-] FO : Authentication label tag fixed [-] BO : Import wrong table truncate removed [-] MO : Mailalerts translations fixed [-] MO : Mailalert re-stock notification subscription/unsubscription fixed [-] FO : Cart product quantity modification does not update anymore the date of the addition to the cart #################################### # v1.2.2.0 - 1302 (2009-27-08) # #################################### Added Features : [+] MO : isInstalled(moduleName) method has been added Improved/changed features : [*] DB : discount category index Fixed bugs : [-] Installer : Upgrade fixed (from [-] Installer : Delivery price upgrade fixed (for versions >= [-] Installer : Delivery price upgrade fixed (from versions < [-] Installer : Upgrade fixed (blocksearch javascript error) [-] Installer : Base URI definition fixed [-] FO : Product price tax excluded display fixed when no tax was applicable [-] BO : Product refund fixed when merchandise returns were disabled [-] BO : Product duplication fixed (was not duplicating the associated tags) [-] BO : Product combination wholesale price saving fixed [-] FO : $content_dir smarty variable fixed (was not here when the 1.1 theme compatibility mode was enabled) [-] MO : CMS link selection fixed (when no one was selected) [-] MO : Bankwire translations fixed [-] Installer : ending slash issue hacked [-] BO : Product re-stock fixed [-] BO/MO : Module tab image display fixed. This image must now be located only on /img/t/ [-] MO : Newsletter module fixed (blocknewsletter dependency is required) [-] BO: The name of the product quantity display feature has been fixed [-] BO : new profiles accesses fixed [-] FO : product list for page -1 fixed (manufacturer and supplier) [-] FO : carriers are not unavailable anymore when the shipping is free (larger range = 0.00) #################################### # v1.2.1.0 - 1277 (2009-12-08) # #################################### Added Features : [+] BO : theme from v1.1 are now compatible with 1.2 by checking option in AdminPreferences Improved/changed features : [*] BO: add language support for tinyMCE [*] TR : new french translations [*] Classes : added a print error when SQL error happens [*] BO : you can now include sub tab with a module [*] MO : statsproduct improved [*] BO : improve warning message when employee delete a language [*] MO : added images to gsitemap [*] FO : SQL optimization [*] BO : Backups now take only PrestaShop tables [*] BO : Backups now take far less memory Fixed bugs : [-] MO: left arrow is now visible when products of the same category are displayed [-] FO: bullets in RTE are displayed correctly (fixed #2572) [-] FO : fixed bad sort price (#2640) [-] FO : forbid use of '%' in the search [-] BO : fixed bug while moving product position in AdminProducts (#2640) [-] BO : Category SQL query fixed (backquotes were missing) [-] BO : fixed bug while translating modules (#2615) [-] BO: text color of tiny mce is now black as default [-] Classes : fixed 2 SQL bugs in Manufacturer and MySQL (#2565) [-] FO : trying to ajust price font size (#2634) [-] Mails : Shop name encoding fixed [-] Fixed incorrect call to file function in (#2603) [-] All files are now in Unix format (#2596) [-] BO : fixed bug while making database backup (#2592) [-] BO : Cancellation button display fixed [-] BO : fixed bug while duplicating product with attribute but no image (#2587) [-] Classe : revert SQL optim in Currency (#2620) [-] FO : Duplicate "out of stock" status changing fixed [-] Installer : not valid carrier URL will be erased [-] Module : mailalert module display fixed [-] Classes : fixed bugs while no customer in database for selecting products [-] PDF : Wrapping tax display fixed [-] FO : no more 404 in ajax search [-] BO : fixed bug while editing carrier, no correctly update delivery [-] BO : QuickAccess token fixed [-] BO: Scenes now works with IE8 (fixed #2508) [-] BO: Scenes now works with IE8 (fixed #2508) [-] INSTALL: fixed #2564 : work with install// [-] BO : tinymce image url path fixed (fixed #2539) [-] FO : rte fields background now fixed (fixed #2501) [-] BO : link to product sales does not appear anymore when the module is not there [-] FO : category position does not appear anymore in ajax search [-] Classes : fixed bug in Carrier class (#2559) [-] BO : feature preview of TinyMCE has been removed [-] PDF : Shop name display fixed when upperized [-] BO : Product return support is really disabled when the feature is disabled [-] BO : Product import fixed (when updating a product without specifying its category) [-] BO : Product import fixed (when reduction_from & reduction_to were set to 0) [-] FO : Pagination choice fixed [-] BO : Product listing fixed (final price display) [-] FO : Product attribute listing display fixed (when names were too long) [-] BO : fixed "héhé" bug (#2538) [-] BO : fixed display bug in AdminManufacturers [-] BO : fixed several bugs using $currentIndex (#2545) [-] Installer : fixed bad update content (#2518) [-] Classes :fixed bad count in getPricesDrop (#2541) [-] BO : fixed a bug while updating image in AdminProducts (#2514) [-] BO : indexation for products without anything to index fixed [-] MO : fixed bad URL for image insert in blockadvertising (#2509) #################################### # v1.2.0.8 - 1210 (2009-29-07) # #################################### Improved/changed features : [*] Classes : added optional parameter for Tools::htmlentities [*] MO : one more attempt to improve the sitemap [*] Installer : smtp login is not required now (#2454) Fixed bugs : [-] Installer : Upgrade fixed ( to [-] BO : CSV import fixed (was overridding ignored columns when a product already existed) [-] MO : no more display password and signature in PayPalAPI [-] BO : CSV image import fixed [-] Installer : fixed while updating modules structure (#2492) [-] MO : fixed bug while filtering content for access [-] BO : Translation copy fixed (forgot modules' ones) [-] BO : Order detail display fixed (product combination image) [-] BO : Order detail display fixed (cancel table) [-] MO : fixed #2491 : now blocksearch doesn\'t display slashes when quotes (single or double) are used [-] FO : Price display fixed (when both excluded and included tax was displayed) [-] FO : "Display all pictures" link display fixed [-] Classes : fixed bug while duplicating product result in search [-] BO : tinymce background is now white (fixed #2446) [-] FO : Price display fixed (when the customer log in and is in a different zone to the default country one) [-] BO : AdminInvoices now select by invoice date (#2487) [-] Installer : messages are now at the right place (#2450) [-] MO : deleted an old Tools::d() [-] FO : you cannot select anymore a carrier without a delivery range set for [-] Installer : upgrade fixed [-] BO : Customized product removing from an order fixed [-] FO : Customizable product customized text display fixed (was htmlentitized) [-] MO : fixed various bug in PayPalAPI [-] MO : fixed bug while submiting twice PayPalCheckout (#2440) [-] Classes : fixed several bugs while selecting products [-] BO : Pack bugs on AdminProducts [-] Translations : adminreferrers translations [-] BO : you can change your language again [-] MO : Currencies weren't taken into account in statshome [-] MO : fixed active access to payment modules (#2475) [-] FO : cannot access anymore at a product page if customer have no rights [-] BO : fixed unchecked zone when error on carrier form submitted (#2458) [-] BO : fixed required fields in AdminPreferences [-] BO : fixed language used for display list of groups in AdminCategories [-] BO : switched submit button in AdminCategories #################################### # v1.2.0.7 - 1167 (2009-24-07) # #################################### Improved/changed features : [*] TR : updated FR translation for BO [*] BO : Fixed translation in AdminCategories.php [*] BO : Confirmation messages added [*] TR : updated FR translation for BO [*] BO : Product stock management preferences made clearer [*] BO : fixed a default value to reduction in AdminGroups [*] BO : adding new tinyMCE 3.2.5 [*] BO : remove old tinyMCE [*] BO : added new button to AdminCategories Fixed bugs : [-] BO: fixed bugs with redirections on Product/Categories creation [-] BO : Fix bug on saving an object [-] BO : some BO icons & minor texts fixed [-] MO : statsbestcustomers take now more than 1 order into account [-] BO : Feature value tab icon display fixed [-] BO : Virtual product error messages fixed [-] MO : visitors registration to the newsletter integrated into the stats [-] MO : Loyalty module text fixed [-] BO : Order shipping number fixed (was allowed before having selected the "shipped" status) [-] FO : Carrier name fixed (when being the shop's one) [-] MO : Blocklink & productcomments modules' SQL keys added/fixed [-] MO : refferal program rules are editable now [-] MO : refferal program rules are editable now [-] BO : fixed duplicate bug on non attribute product (#2309) [-] BO : fixed edit manufacturer/supplier in product page (#2385) [-] BO : cannot delete default group anymore (#2420) [-] PHP 5.3 compatibility [-] MO : fixed bug #2305 (ajax cart vouchers) [-] MO : fixed bug #2299 (canonical URL) [-] FO : fixed bug #2294 [-] FO : ':' were forbidden in Validate::isUrl(), you couldn't change your port! [-] FO : Fix bug on invoice ul when page reloads with cache #################################### # v1.2.0.6 - 1131 (2009-15-07) # #################################### Improved/changed features : [*] BO : now always displays shipping number field in AdminOrders [*] MO : added try/catch JS method in ganalytics [*] Installer : you now need to have utf-8 support in your DB server to install PrestaShop (with full message error) [*] BO : added warning in AdminGenerator [*] BO : CSV category import note added Fixed bugs : [-] Installer : upgrade fixed (database connection) [-] BO : Product download code fix [-] BO : Virtual product oos behavior fixed [-] MO : ganalytics now use SSL protocole if activated [-] BO : Product reinjection into stock fixed [-] MO : fixed bad variable used (protocol) in canonicalurl [-] MO : added originator value in tm4b calls [-] BO : Wrong accessories list [-] MO : no more id_lang for default language in Gsitemap [-] MO : fixed bug in productcomments while adding criterion (#2342) [-] MO : fixed various bugs in blockwishlist [-] MO : fixed various SSL bugs in blockwishlist [-] MO : fixed images' width/height in templates of several modules [-] BO : fixed bad rewrite rule for 404 image in AdminGenerator for .htaccess [-] FO : search improved for small words [-] FO : fixed error return in order-follow [-] FO : fixed error return in order-detail [-] BO : fixed bug display in AdminOrders.php (#2329) [-] Installer : Configuration table key fixed (duplicate removed) [-] BO : fixed invalid URL if carrier tracking empty [-] BO : Product feature import fixed (was duplicated if containing a special character) [-] BO : Filters fixed (unserialized everytime -_-') [-] MO : fixed double declaration of class in blockwishlist [-] No more @ in for functions call, now display full error messages [-] Classes : fixed file extension for PDF file attachment of invoice mail in PaymentModule [-] TR : new FR translations [-] FO : added little red star in identity.tpl (#2289) [-] MO : fixed bad URL in gsitemap (#2302) [-] BO : delete confirmation added on the referrers [-] BO : encoding problem in AdminReferrers [-] BO : fixed bug translation (#2304) [-] BO : fixed parse error bug (#2318) [-] Installer : fixed quote bug with create group table (#2314) [-] BO : fixed non translated text in AdminTracking (#1830) [-] TR: Fixed importation bug when root directory is not writable by all [-] FO : hypotetic hack attempt on ConnectionsSource::request_uri fixed [-] BO : CSV feature value update fixed (was simply impossible) [-] BO : CSV feature name import fixed (was duplicated when containing an unusual character) [-] BO : CSV feature name import fixed (was lowered) [-] BO : Memorized date filter application fixed #################################### # v1.2.0.5 - 1077 (2009-01-07) # #################################### Improved/changed features : [*] BO : link to attribute generator is now at top [*] Installer : 244 default countries instead of only 34 [*] Installer : added file and reordering products in categories Fixed bugs : [-] BO : fixed bug while editing address [-] MO : fixing bug #2206 (not to much product listed in productscategory module) [-] MO : fixing bug #2209 (wrong display of manufacturers and suppliers blocks) [-] FO : fixed breadcumb [-] BO : fixed bug while uploading file with bad date on AdminProducts [-] Classes : order return is now fixed on shipping date [-] BO : fixed order status translation in AdminOrders [-] BO : fixed CSS bug [-] BO : fixed AdminOrders display bug [-] MO : fixed currency bug in PayPal transactions [-] BO : Product duplication fixed (combination image association) [-] BO : Fix bug in Drag and Drop for positions [-] TR : French translation fixed (mailalert module) [-] BO : smart error management for zip module load [-] BO : no more datepicker white bar in the admin bottom left [-] BO : edit attachments without re-uploading files [-] FO : bug with undefined variable in the ajax search fixed [-] BO : new tags are now correctly indexed in the search [-] MO : sekeywords warning fixed [-] FO : crash on Firefox 3.0.11 fixed [-] MO : fixed empty criterion bug (#2214) [-] FO : Wrong order by price [-] Core : URL validation method fixed [-] MO : fixed bug while saving editorial (#2224) [-] BO : fixed red star in AdminCategories for grouplist (#2182) [-] BO : duplicate a product now duplicate its discount quantity (#2210) [-] BO : duplicate a product now duplicate its accessories (#2217) [-] BO : Shipping number sending fixed [-] FO: Wrong order by price on Manufacturer.php [-] MO : Send to friend e-mailed product link fixed [-] BO : Product form addition/edition fixed [-] BO : Cart carrier name display fixed (when it was the shop which was the carrier) [-] MO : Newsletter module fixed (addition date was missing from the CSV header) [-] FO : Supplier product number display fixed [-] MO : Product category module fixed (disabled when the product default category is "home") [-] BO : Fix various bugs in positions handlers and Drag 'n Drop [-] FO : Customizable product addition check (when some fields are required) fixed [-] MO : Customized product addition/deletion from the blockcart module fixed [-] FO : Customized product display/remove fixed on cart page and block (reverted) [-] FO : Customized product display/remove fixed on cart page and block #################################### # v1.2.0.4 - 1035 (2009-17-06) # #################################### Improved/changed features : [*] Installer : added file [*] Installer : added "moulinette" html_entity_decode for old TinyMCE datas [*] MO : fixed some text bugs in PayPalAPI (thanks to Melinda) [*] Classes : Group name is now generic (#2144) [*] FO : added new truncate function to smarty because original is buggy [*] BO : added dynamically icon image for tabs module [*] BO : added 2 divs for DOM [*] Classes : added security fixes Fixed bugs : [-] MO : feeder module now only select inactive products [-] MO : feeder module now has correct URL for product [-] MO : fixed SSL warning in PayPalAPI (#2132) [-] BO : fixed adding new adresse (#2147) [-] MO : fixed newsletter bug (#2141) [-] BO/FO : fixed   bug with TinyMCE (#2145) [-] FO : Fix bug with breadcrumb and category position prefix [-] FO : Breadcrumb charset fixed [-] BO : fixed undefined var in init.php [-] BO : fixed width too large in AdminProducts.php for Mac (#2109) [-] FO : fixed SSL bug [-] MO : fixed bug in Loyalty when creating voucher with different language than default one [-] FO: Fix little bug in order-return.tpl message [-] MO : Wrong value for email [-] MO : fixed bug in loyalty [-] BO : "Number of items to display per page" field fixed [-] FO : Product image display fixed (reset link added) [-] MO : AJAX cart block module voucher amount display fixed [-] BO : Order total weight calculation fixed #################################### # v1.2.0.3 - 1006 (2009-09-06) # #################################### Improved/changed features : [*] Installer : some ids were not unsigned [*] BO : keywords are now recognized [*] TR : new FR translation [*] BO : allow to put style tags in tinyMCE (fixed #1726)[+] Class/BO : Customized product deletion/refund/return support from orders added [*] FO : added total tax in summary page[-] Installer : fixed SQL bug in update 1.2 [*] BO : you can now specify tax for wrapping cost Fixed bugs : [-] FO : fixed truncate bug in template[-] Installer : fixed some bugs in SQL data [-] BO : fixed flags bug[-] BO : fixed htmlentities encode in TinyMCE [-] MO : Loyalty module template overload fixed [-] MO: Referral module translations fixed [-] BO : Order\'s 'new' filter fixed [-] FO : fixed bugs in order.php [-] BO : Import page display fixed [-] FO : String truncates fixed[-] BO : Product image import fixed (when some products did not have any pictures associated) [-] FO : fixed bug in downloadable product [-] FO : Customized product addition (with required pictures) fixed (when added a first time with required datas)[-] FO/BO : Customizated product return display fixed [-] MO : fixed referralprogram tpl bug (#2091) [-] FO : fixed bug with id_address in address.tpl[-] FO : Can not buy when allowBuyWhenOutOfStock with availableLaterValue message and a non-existing combination [-] FO : PNG loves IE6 [-] FO : Some links on product page too long [-] FO : Avoid little thumbs arrow flashing [-] FO/MO : fixed SSL bug browser alert [-] BO : some characters where not allowed in the referrers like and regexp [-] BO : wholesale price is not mandatory for attributes (neither somewhere else btw) [-] BO : fixed bad password check for Employee and Customer [-] MO : fixed translations bug [-] Installer : fixed bad SQL query [-] BO : fixed bug while uploading image for category (#2058)[-] FO/BO/MO : fixed various minor bugs[-] FO/MO : fixed blank page with header.php (#1862)[-] FO : fixed some display price with tax and no tax on product page[*] BO : allow to put style tags in tinyMCE (fixed #1726) [-] MO : fixed width for editor wysiwyg (fixed #1999)[-] FO: Customizable product quantity display fixed on the shopping cart page[*] TR : new FR translations [-] BO : fixed display bug in AdminOrders [-] FO : when cart is empty, now delete wrapping cost and wrapping message [-] MO : when cart is empty, now delete wrapping cost and wrapping message in blockcart [-] Classes : cache cart is nos updated if product added or deleted [-] Installer : fixed missing hook for blocksearch (js error)[-] FO : fixed back redirect for authentification [-] Installer : fixed no group category in simple mode [-] MO : fixed quantity bug in blockcart[-] BO/Classes : fixed bugs with prices rounding off [-] FO/PDF/Classes : fixed bugs with prices rounding off[-] FO/MO : fixed several W3C bugs [-] MO : fixed W3C bugs in blocksearch [-] FO/MO : fixed several bugs with groups[-] BO : fixed displaying customer groups [-] MO : fixed DISTINCT bug in blockcategories [-] FO : "add product" fixed when stats modules disable [-] FO : fixing header width [-] FO : wrong image path in login.css #################################### # v1.2.0.2 - 935 (2009-20-05) # #################################### Added Features : [+] FO : Shipping costs & vouchers display are taking care of the BO price display preference [+] MO : Added Hook updateCarrier [+] FO : Price display choice added (between 'Tax exc.', 'Tax inc.' and 'Both') [+] FO/MO : Product price (tax excluded) added to the order process (including basic payment modules) [+] FO : Product price (tax excluded) added to homefeature module category, product page& cart page [+] MO : Retain current category on a product page [+] MO : Customer email activation module (not fully implemented yet) [+] FO/BO : UTF-8 setlocal added [+] BO : Metas for Manufacturers and Suppliers [+] MO : new payment module PayPal using API [+] BO : Removed some inner comments as this plugin could not be found packed [+] BO : DnD for products position within Catalog + code fixes for module position DnD [+] BO : Added customers follow-up by email (4 kinds of alerts) [+] FO : Simple bundle pack management Improved/changed features : [*] FO : Carrier selection show prices regarding to the BO price display preference [*] FO : Price display preference applied to my account's discount & order detail page [*] FO : do not load jqzoom.js if not needed [*] PDF : Product total without tax added to the invoice [*] MO : The modules "blockuserinfo" & "blockspecials" take care of the BO price display preference [*] MO : when js is not activated, it now show the tree [*] MO : The "blockcart" module display product prices following the BO selected rule [*] The product price display type is now showed only when the selected option is "Both" [*] FO : Little left adjustment for div.zoomdiv [*] BO : Fixed style for customer field [*] MO : added confirmation page for PayPal [*] FO : deleted customer can no longer log-in and automatically logout [*] FO : switching language do not redirect anymore [*] BO : Retain email after password regeneration [*] BO : you can now duplicate packs [*] BO : cleanPositions becomes static [*] MO : fixed some bugs in cashondelivery [*] BO : added no cache header (thanks to Antony) [*] BO : added new files in AdminGenerator [*] Classes : "other" field for Address file switch to isMessage() validation function [*] MO : blockcategories no more display private category [*] Core : slight optimization on category::getsubcategories() [*] FO : add a